𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕴𝕴

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10 years ago .....

A loud scream invaded the young prince's sensitive ears as his royal carriage got stuck between a large number of villagers who gathered somewhere near the mountain ,more gasps and concerned blabbering were heard among the mixed voices .

They were talking about some dead body that died by having all his blood consumed by some mountain monster ,they named it ' vampire ' .

The young prince nuzzled closer into his sister's shoulder like a scared kitten .

She smiled at him softly " are you scared hyunnie ? "

He hummed in response " is that true ? What they're talking about ? Jihyo " he asked ,curiosity overtaking his fear .

" I'm not sure ,father said it's some local myth ,so it probably is don't worry yourself for nothing " she assured .

He hummed in agreement ,as he shifted his eyes to be looking at the road from the small window on his side .

As the car started finding it's way between the crowds ,he fixed his gaze on a group of people who gathered around a middle-aged woman ,that must be where the loud scream came from ,the group of people vanished away one by one leaving the woman sat on the ground with a dead body on her lap ,it was very pale his skin as white as the snow in a December morning ,it's neck was lethaly bruised and it sounded frightened ,the body sounded frightened itself ,eyes fully open ,as it has witnessed the most terrifying scene in the world before it spills out it's last breath .

The young prince was petrified by the dead body's state ,he couldn't even talk nor cry ,he tried to ignore it along with every bothering matter he's facing in this prison-like palace he resides .

But the image of the body's eyes had another opinion ,it haunted his dreams for years ,making it impossible for him to forget it's terrible state ,nor the word ' vampire ' , accompanied with terrifying assumptions about these strange creatures whom he's never met .


Present ......

" tell me he didn't die ,please tell me he didn't die ? " hyunjin muttered repeatedly blinking his eyes a few times to get used to the faint light of the room .

" I'm alright hyunjin ,thanks to you "

" oh ,god you survived ? " hyunjin questioned in disbelief ,opening his eyes to see the vampire himself sat on the edge of his bed ,he thought he has died that night .

" I did ,you did save me hyunnie "

" you did save me earlier , didn't you ?
Now we're even " the prince reassured bashfully .

" I'm glad that I did " the vampire stated ,lowering his head down mysteriously ,tracing the cracked floor with his eyes .

" now let's focus on you ? ,how do you feel after loosing that insane amount of blood? " he asked ,clearing his thought after raising his head up to look through the prince's eyes that were glamoring alluringly under the candles light .

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