The bitch Poppy

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I know I said I wouldn't write in here but whatever I am deal with it.There's the bitch called Poppy in my class and she's a attention seeking whore.So basically my best friend,Jess/Jessica,was trying too be nice too her but accidentally brought up that she knew Poppy liked Kiera's,my other "friends" name,boyfriend.Poppy started demanding that Jess tell her how she knew and Jess told her.Before I forget Poppy's like really popular so most people would side with her.Anyway,Jess told Poppy that Angel,another friend,told her.Poppy told Kiera that Jess tried spreading a rumour about her and Kiera got extremely mad at Jess.Now I have too sort this all out.I sometimes just wish that I was involved in the drama so I didn't have too sort it out.Anyway I sorted out meet up at the nearest park so we could sort it out.I'll write what happens later.

My lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora