Chapter One

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The halls of Aurora Academy gleamed with an inviting luminescence, raindrops whispering their secrets against the ancient stained glass. I strode through the architectural marvel, though even after years here, it still felt like a bewildering maze. Aurora, in its brief existence, had risen to legendary status, thanks in no small part to the enigmatic Council â€" the pinnacle of strength in the world of heroes.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a familiar voice broke the spell. It was Aston, a friend I hadn't seen in a while, his face lit up with an eager spark."I've been working on this new technique," he proclaimed, eyes dancing with excitement. "I was wondering if I could show it to you?"

"Sure, man," I replied, curiosity piqued.

Aston's breath drew deep, the lights flickering momentarily. Heat surged, and before me, a mini star took shape, casting waves of shimmering light. He chuckled, extinguishing the star with practiced ease. "Cool, right?" He questioned eagerly.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool. But seriously, are you still trying to impress my sister? I told you, just be yourself."

Aston's bashful admission hung in the air. "Was it that obvious?" I couldn't help but chuckle.

"A little. Look, man, I'll catch up with you later. I've got some homework to tackle."

"Ah, sorry about that. Don't let me hold you up. See you in class tomorrow," he said, a hint of embarrassment tinging his words. As he walked away, I called out one more time, a mischievous grin playing on my lips. "Oh, by the way, she'll be in my room later if you wanna "study."

With a smile, I continued my journey through the tranquil halls, headed for my room. Fatigue weighed heavily, but I knew I had to get some of the homework done and tidy up before my siblings arrived. After a brisk shower, I set about organizing the space and studied a little. Fifteen minutes later, a knock at the door pierced the silence. "It's open," I called, the door swinging wide to reveal a cascade of bright light against the dim room.

"Hey, am I early?" Aston's voice wavered with a touch of nervous laughter. I chuckled softly. "Yeah, but it's all good. They should be here soon. Just grab a seat," I said softly.

Aston settled into my desk chair, spinning around to take in the room. His voice was hushed as he spoke. "You know, this is my first time in your room. It's... comforting," He continued, admiration evident in his tone. "The purple LED lights, the Tyler the Creator and Lauryn Hill tapestry, not to mention the bonsai and all these musician posters. I definitely need to come over more often." My face beamed with joy, "Thanks, Means a lot," I said sincerely.

As we sat in companionable silence, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. "You seem tense.. If you want me to leave I can," Aston spoke in consideration.

"No! No, you're fine, it's just they should've been here already," I said urgently

Aston was about to respond when the door burst open, somehow the light was brighter than when Aston came in. I stood up and walked towards the door to greet them. The first to enter was Andrew, he was roughly 6 foot 4 inches with a darker complexion and freeform locs. Roman followed behind him; he was roughly 5 foot 11 inches with a medium brown complexion and had a temp fade. Next, in walked Shakhruza. She was about 5 foot 5 with elegant and shiny straight-wavy hair. She was followed in by Bre and Ely; Bre was roughly 5 foot 6 while Ely was 5 foot 5. Bre had vibrant green and black box braids while Ely had more wavy hair. Both Ely and Shakhruza were on the paler side whilst Bre had a deeper brown complexion.

I greeted them accordingly before we sat down. As we settled into conversation, everyone shared tales of their latest exploits at Aurora. Shakhruza spoke of a challenging mission that tested her strategic capabilities, while Bre and Ely recounted a thrilling encounter during a training exercise. Andrew shared insights into the latest advancements in hero technology, and Roman added a touch of humor with anecdotes from his part-time job at the local cafe. We all shared laughs and exchanged banter. Eventually Aston, initially a bit on edge, found himself laughing along with the group.The atmosphere became a blend of shared laughter, supportive nods, with a comforting aura.

Amid the anecdotes, I caught Aston stealing glances at Shakhruza. Sensing his nervous energy, I decided to lighten the mood. "Hey Aston," I whispered, catching his eye, "that star trick you pulled earlier was pretty impressive. Mind showing it to Shakhruza? She's got some unique techniques up her sleeve; she'll be impressed, and maybe you could exchange some tips," I said supportively. Aston's eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Tips, huh? Yeah, I'd love that! Alright, I'll give it a shot," He responded jittery with excitement.

The room's internal temperature rose quickly. As Aston conjured the mini star once again, I could see Shakhruza's interest piqued. The room filled with a soft, shimmering light as the star cast its glow. Shakhruza watched attentively, and as Aston finished, she nodded appreciatively. "Impressive technique, not many can conjure a star at our age," she remarked. "I've got a few tricks of my own. Maybe we can trade pointers sometime."Aston beamed, clearly pleased with the unexpected exchange. The night continued with a newfound energy as discussions shifted to the intricacies of everyone's respective powers and techniques, creating an atmosphere of shared learning and camaraderie among everyone.

As the clock ticked towards midnight, we decided to call it a night. As everyone left, I caught Aston lingering for a moment. "Thanks for tonight," he said, sincerity in his eyes. "And about your sister…"I interrupted him with a laugh. "Relax, Aston. You've left more than just an impression on her. I have a hunch you'll hanging out with us a lot more." Aston chuckled, a mix of relief and gratitude in his expression. We exchanged a knowing look, acknowledging the unspoken bond formed that night. As he left, closing the door behind him, a content smile lingered on my face. Yet, beneath the surface, a subtle unease nagged at me. Ignoring it for now, I settled into bed, closed my eyes, and allowed the gentle pull of sleep to embrace me, despite the lingering sense of disquiet.

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