Chapter 16: Monsters Vs. Machines

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"I used the EPI," Poppy Told Them. Traitor, still shaken in fear, can't move, can't speak, and is only traumatized. Huggy comes over. "What happened" He asks. "He is still traumatized" Boxy Told Huggy. "What now" Mommy asked. "Well we should take him out of his misery and put him to sleep," Poppy said. Poppy then put Traitor to sleep. Boxy then remembered what the traitor felt earlier. All of a Sudden it happens in his head all over again except Traitor also feels the pain asleep. Boxy Screaming in pain. Feeling, Seeing, and Hearing the events all over again. Traitor's body continues to shake but more intense. "Why is this happening in action now" Poppy asked. "Huggy and Poppy, Get Traitor and I'll get Boxy Boo". Both having a heart attack, and then it suddenly stops. Boxy feeling weak manages to stand up. Traitor then wakes up but is still shaken in fear. He manages to move his arms back moving away from the four. Traitor finally no longer in fear manages to stand up and then say "What Happened".

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