You Find Out

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Normal text like this means it's in English, and text like this in italic means it's in Japanese
Y/n = your name
Y/l/n = your last name


You: "Hello?"
Josuke: "This is Y/n, right? It's me, Josuke,"
You: "Unfortunately," You mutter
Josuke: "Hey, don't switch languages on me right now, I don't understand English you know," He whines
You: "No,"
Josuke: "Stop, pleaseee" He whines louder
You: "Fine, just stop bitching for once,"
Josuke: "I'm not bitching!!"
You: "You are. Anyway, what do you want, why'd you call me?"
Josuke: "I was bored,"
You: "How is that my problem again?"
Josuke: "Because it is."
You: "I do not give a shit,"
Josuke: "Shut up, just come meet me at the park near the school, I'm bored as fuck."
You: "Fine, I'll get there in 20 minutes, the school's far"
Josuke: "Fine, just be quick before I beat your ass. And before you complain, I'm already there waiting for your lazy ass."
You: "Whatever, jackass"

Before he could reply, you hung up on him. You stood up from your seat, going to exit your room, until.. BAM you stubbed your toe on the corner of the table leg. "FUCK!!" You yelled in pain, your mom heard you swear, and yelled at you from downstairs "Y/N, WHAT THE FUCK?!" "Sorry! I just hit my foot on the stupid table!!" You yelled back at your mom, explaining what happened.

After explaining, you were finally allowed to leave the house. As you were walking to the park, you decided to check the time which read, 6:27 PM 'Shit' You thought, you hung up the call with Josuke at 6:15, you wasted a lot of time. You bring out your stand The World, "The World, time will stop!"

You frantically yelled the command, sprinting as hard and fast as you possibly could, you counted the seconds with each step you took, '30, 29, 28, 27, 26..' time was frozen for only 30 seconds, so you used all that time to your advantage, once you saw the park in sight, time unfroze as you started walking again, catching your breath as you saw Josuke walk up to you "Finally you came, dumbass" He teased, looking at you with his shit eating grin "Oi, shut up," "No," He simply replied "Yes," "No," "Yes," "No,"

You two went back and fourth at each other as Josuke kept stepping closer and closer to you whilst you kept backing up from him. You both suddenly stop when you hear a crunch under your shoe. You immediately lift your foot up, only to see that you stepped on a bunny, injuring it. "Oh, shit" You say, feeling guilty for stepping on the poor bunny

"Here, If I'm fast enough, I can save it," Josuke quickly replied, bringing out his stand as he crouches down to the bunny. He wraps his hands around the bunny as you also see his stand's hands wrap around it too, soon you see a faint glow emit from his hands, healing the bunny completely "See? He's fine," Josuke said to you, trying to not make you feel guilty "You-.. You have one too?.." Josuke's eyes widen "You can see it?!" He asks, utterly shocked "That.. That means you're a stand user too," He says to you "A stand? You mean this?" You pull out your stand, The World. Josuke looks at it, completely flabbergasted and at a loss for words.

I have writers block, insomnia and I've been hallucinating things in my rear vision. I need help

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