Chapter Six

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Lauren's POV

I was having such a great time with Camila, it's amazing how instantly connected we were. This could be too good to be true, but something in me told me it wasn't.

Camila had a good heart and soul, with every passing moment I see just how genuine she really is. I think seeing her with my daughter earlier really sealed it for me, she was so amazing with her.

Camila brought us to a restaurant which was really nice, but I was a little upset that we weren't alone anymore.

"So, I told you why my last relationship ended, why did yours end?" I asked her.

Camila just finished taking a sip of her drink, she put it down on the table and looked at me. She was definitely a little hesitate to tell me I could see that, and that worried me a little.

"It's not bad is it?" I wondered.

"No, it wasn't anything horrible. My last relationship ended because of my career, not everyone is equipped for dating a firefighter. I work three 24 hour shifts and I run into burning buildings. It could be a little stressful and scary and it's burdening on a relationship. My career is very important to me and it will take someone really special to be able to handle that." She shares.

I thought about what she said, I could see how it could be a challenge. In those three days before our date I actually took all of this into consideration.

"What do you think about it?" She asked.

"I think that I know exactly what I'm getting into. I've thought about what it would be like to be with a firefighter. So I know what I'm getting into?" I said.

"Did you think about the lonely nights?" She smirked.

"I'll miss you but I've gotten really use to being alone. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm great company. But when we are together we'll be sure to make the most of it. There is no use of worrying too much about it now, we're seeing how things go." I smiled.

She giggles. "You're amazing."

Our food was brought out and we ate, the food was really good.

"You know Lacey wants to go on a date with you." Camila shares.

I laughed. "Really, that's so cute. I would love to go on a date with her."

"She really likes you." She said.

"If you're not busy this weekend why don't we take the girls out, it will be fun." I suggested.

She nods. "I had no plans, let's do it."

"Great, Mikey really needs a pick me up and you guys did wonders for her mood last weekend." I said.

"Happy to help."

Camila and I continued to talk throughout dinner, we talked about our interest and our families. I could talk to her forever and I know that I would but it was time to go home, I had work in the morning.

After the restaurant Camila drove me home and we talked the entire way there. It was a little after eight when we pulled up to my house, Mikey would already be in bed so I invited Camila in for a little bit.

I paid the babysitter and thanked her for watching Mikey, I went to check on my daughter and she was all snugged in her bed fast asleep. I went over to her bed and I placed a kiss on her head and whispered how much I love her.

Camila was waiting in the living room, she was walking around looking at the pictures I had displayed around the room, lots of pics of me and my baby girl.

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