Chapter 1: Meteor Masher

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Wyrmwind City, a sprawling metropolis full of people, with heroes and villains alike seen every single day. Downtown things are no different, "Somebody stop her!" A man shouted as a villain with vine powers fled the scene with a bag full of gold items. She weaved her vines all around to trip over people and flip cars to stop any nearby police from getting her, a few low ranked heroes arrived but she tore off a fire hydrant to blast them. "I'm not going anywhere you assholes want me to go!" She declared and took to the sky, using her vines to swing from building to building.

As she did, a speeding car blew past all the civilians and jumped over the wreckage using compressed air shot from the bottom of the car. "Is that Meteor Masher?" "You mean the vigilante?" Citizens quizzed, It was indeed. Meteor Masher was dressed in a full body suit colored in bright reds and blacks leaving only their red eyes and bright smile exposed. Driving the car was a seventeen-year-old boy with bright orange hair, a soft face, and bright blue eyes. "Get ready!" He warned Meteor Masher who gave a nod before putting on their tinted goggles. They jumped onto the back of the car and shouted, "Ready Jacky!" In a high-pitched voice, Jacky then pulled on the gear shit and flipped a switch inside the car to make the rear wheels stop and the front move in different directions to make the car whip around and launch Meteor forward through the air.

As they flew a bright purple aura grew on their arm and once right behind the villain they unleashed their fist and sent them flying down into the road. Meteor fell down as well but, they used a punch to create a pocket of wind to stop them short of hitting the ground. They grabbed the bag and quickly returned it to the shop. The owner breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Meteor Masher, you know what, I don't give a damn what Precipice Blade says, you're a hero!" He assured them. Meteor beamed from that, "Thank you so much valued citizen, your words do more for me than any dollar amount could!"

Jacky pulled up with the villain tied up on the back of the car, "Meteor we need to take this one to jail, police are busy downtown with a few members of Gluttonous." He informed them. "Gluttonous!?" Meteor spoke in disbelief. Just then helicopters and numerous high ranked hero flew over head. "You don't think its Mila, do you?" They asked Jacky, just before they saw Precipice Blade fly overhead. "Oh shit!" They both spoke. A woman ran over to them and placed her hands on the villain who then turned to stone. "I can keep her here, please go help them?" She begged of Meteor, who gave a nod. "Jacky, you stay here, that's an order!" "But I could," "Stay here, you aren't risking your life against a Sin!" They ordered him before taking off in a sprint. The purple aura appeared on their hand again before they punched the ground and flew off from the shockwave.

As Meteor flew through the air they had a clear view of the situation, Mila was indeed there but so were numerous goons of hers. The ones that slipped past the heroes were chasing down civilians. Meteor punched right behind themselves and flew at the two that were closest. They landed on the first knocking them out and then charged at the second knocking them out with a coldcock to the jaw. "This area isn't safe!" They spoke to the civilians, "Please get out of here as fast as you can!" The civilians nodded and ran as told. Meteor turned to the situation and surveyed the area, knowing what their role was, they began to go after the goons without remorse, knowing that the top heroes could handle the Sin of Gluttony. Just focus, protect the civilians, Mila is way out of your league, do what you can Isaac! He thought to himself.

Truth be told, Meteor Masher wasn't a woman like all the other heroes, Meteor Masher was a boy, the only boy with a Mana Core to grant powers. This was due to the fact that he had a twin sister, and somehow during their time in the womb, the Mana Core that was meant for his sister, split in half and one half of it became his. Although this fact was unknown to him and his beloved sister. This chance however, gave him the power he has, one that he named, Iron Hands. "Meteor look out!" The number five hero cried to them, a car was flying towards them. Meteor stood their ground and empowered their hands to catch the car with minimal damage to their body. "Thank you Romantia!" Meteor spoke. Iron Hands allowed Isaac to enhance his hands, allowing his punches to hit harder, and to improve their durability, when in use he can tear through solid concrete like it was paper, the aura that appeared also allowed a shockwave to launch him at high speeds through the air, though the range of this was very limited to just a few feet in front of him.

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