bro lit prank

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I turned around and i got to see the great person

Bava: yemi chesthunav
Anu: (rubbing eyes) ntg just came for fresh air
Bava: at this late night
Bava: go down your vadina is searching for u
Anu: haa u will not come
Bava: no
Anu: ok

What happen to bava he is suddenly interested to talk me wait he said vadina is searching that's why he came but y will he personally come to see me ahh bcz he doesn't like when his sis is stressed

Anu: ahhhhhhh
...? hahahah
Anu: u Lil idiot don't u have any work, idiot!
Lit bro: noo but what are u doing with bava alone at terrace at this late time
Anu: hmm! Black magic u want learn
Lit bro: I know u are witch from the start
Anu:(avuna) is it ?
Lit bro: haa

Anu smack on his head
Anu: now
Lit bro : (rubbing his head) nenu Amma kuu cheputha(I will tell to mom)

Anu:(chepuko idiot) tell her idiot

Both start fighting

In morning

Ash: anu wake up it's already late anu
Anu: five min Ash akka
Ash:but ...
Lit bro: akka(sis)
Ash: (mee akka Inka panukoni undi ) your sis is still sleeping raa
Lit bro : not that pandi (pig) I am calling you
Ash: achaa what ra
Lit bro : mom is calling for u
Ash: whose mom
L.b: my mom
Ash: hmm

Ash gone from there

L.b: how should I wake her ummmmm... Idea! Hihihihihihi
U are finish my dear sis anu (with loud voice) bavaaaaaaaa

Bava: what raa why are u screaming like that
L.b:akka is not breathing
Bava: WHAT
L.b:yes check her,check her
Bava: ok let me

Bava gone near the bed where our beautiful heroine is sleeping
He place his finger near nose he feels hot air is coming

Bava: she is breathing normally
He said standing in same position
Anu slowly open her eyes and she notice that her bava is so close to her

Anu: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bava: (got panicked) close her mouth with his hand and said idiot it's me only why are u screaming

Anu got silent and nodded to leave her face
Bava embarrassliy leave her face

Bava: that's what happened is...
L.b: ntg akka when I came here you are not breathing so called bava asked hime to check if you are died are not

Anu clearly understood that it's his revenge but she kept silent

Anu:(let it be raa every dog has its own day wait that's means I am a dog noooo again wait that means my bro is also a dog hihi) in mind

Bava: go and fresh up and come down for breakfast ok
Anu: hmm
Anu went too washroom with suppliances

Bava: Rey (to l.b)
L.b: haa bava
Bava: u did this intentionally right
L.b: (nervously) noo bava I didn't do that
Bava: if u repeat this then I will tell grandma that u like Meena anuty 's daughter
L.b: bava plz anybody else not her I am just a small kid plz let me enjoy my single life bava ,plz bava,plz( dramatically)

Bava: over! come u will hungry
L.b : hmmm

Let me clear
Vadina:dad's sister daughter relation or husband sis or clearly sis in law

Bava: dad's sister son relation bro in law
L.b : little bro

Attamma: mom in law

Hope u enjoy this chapter thanks
If you want to create more bubbly moments for our hero and heroine then comment plz
And please Abba comment cheyandi yella undu chapter just lit bit encouragement that's all I want

Thanks laddu's

Mamayya: father in law in relation

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