Chapter 6 - Dorie's First Love Part 1

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"Today for sure I'll accompany you to that store!"

"I know you will, without me pestering you to... but just in case, do remind me if I forget."

And that was how I managed to stay wide awake in class for the whole entire time, because of Dorie's request. At least the thought of our after classes date is making me excited. It's still better than studying. At last the bell rang and I started packing quickly. Done in less than two minutes, I turn to my side and saw Owen still intelligently studying. He was scribbling something in the notebook and seemed so focus in doing so. I couldn't help but try and take a small peep at what he is writing. I was literally less than one arm's length away from him and he still hasn't noticed my presence.

*So he is that hardworking huh... he is totally unaware of his surroundings...*

Just as I was moving closer and closer towards him, he turn his head suddenly and our faces are only 10 inches apart. His face was so close to mine like we're about to kiss. And that is when his face totally flushed up. He turned away immediately and covered half of his face with the back of his hand. I straightened myself and was about to speak when Dorie called for me.

"I'm done! Let's goooo!"


"Hmm? Is there something wrong? Your face is slightly red." 

"I-I think it's just my normal reactions to you." 


"Never mind let's just go."

I grabbed my bag pack and ran out of the classroom without turning back to look at Owen. My guess is he is still blushing? I couldn't care about what he is feeling because I am pretty much in a bad shape as well.

*Damn! I really caught him off guard just now and he somehow unknowingly did the same to me as well. Ahhhhhh either way it's going to be awkward in school tomorrow since he is sitting beside me and... the incident he brought up that time. I've known him in the past? If so then why can't I remember...*

"Karrie? Karrrrrrrrie! Earth to Karrie!" 

"H-huh? What? Did you say something?"

"Gosh! I think I repeated myself like thrice just now. Were you not listening?"

"Sorry... I was preoccupied with something else..."

"You... Are you still thinking about that Owen guy? Well, it's not like you're captivated by him, are you?"

"Captivated?! No way! I was just thinking about what he said that day about us being childhood friends and I feel so damn confused because I just can't remember anything! It's making me furious as well..." 


I fake a smile and carried on walking while Dorie blabbered her way through the whole journey till we reached the bookstore. I always wonder just how much thoughts and feelings did she saved in that huge fat heart and brain of hers. And sometimes when she lets it all out, it sounds like a scolding but honestly, once you get used to it it'll just sound like honest comments coming out from someone you really trusts. We stopped at the red light traffic and I rested my body against the pole feeling exhausted because we didn't take the bus as Dorie claims it was JUST a walk distance of a bus stop.

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