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N pov
N: v v please wake up
J: is she dead
Tessa: no she ain't dead
N: plz v wake up plz
J: n don't shake her
P: may I suggest to y'all-
All: no
J: she has bad memories with you
Tessa: don't you remember the manor
P: oh yeah but I was going to suggest bringing her inside
J :yeah
V pov
What the hell happened my head was pounding I had a headache I was in bed I couldn't move my feet I saw j by my feet she woke up
J: v
I waved shyly she got up and curled up in my arms and kissed me I kissed her back with my tongue  she was surprised but stuck her tongue in too exploring every inch of my mouth
Lemon start
I grabbed her neck and and kissed it but she bit my neck I moaned softly
V: what the hell was that about
J: I wanted everyone to know your mine and only mine
I did the same to her neck
She moaned softly so I grabbed her breasts and she put her finger up my vigna
V: ahh j
J: do you want me to take it out
She took her fingers out
V: j I WaNt It BaCk
She put her fingers back up
V: open your legs plz dear 💕
She did as she was told I pulled off her  jumpsuit and pants and licked her holy place
J: ah I'm going to leak pussy
V: leak pussy is that all
J undressed me and took off my  pants she licks my holy place I grabbed her breasts she grabbed mine and we fell asleep on top of each other
V: I love you j
J: I love you too v

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