Prologue: One Bad Day

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Skyler Tolentino has been a rising star in the WWE for months now, not only for his close relation to the Mysterio family and loyal to them, but he is also known for his all-rounder wrestling style. He is a striker, a grappler, a high-flyer, he can do it all, though he loves the adrenaline of over-the-top moves that can send the crowd gasping in shock and then cheering when all goes to plan. He has never felt so happy to be in the company he has always dreamed of being in when he was just a kid in California. 

His mother, Jenny Tolentino, a Filipino OFW, a single mother, has always been his number one supporter. When she would always see him, eyes glued to the TV as it plays WWE every night, she can't help but feel like her son has always wanted to be in that ring with thousands of people, cheering or booing for his son. And it didn't take long for Skyler to ask his mom if he can be trained to wrestle, so she headed his request, applying him for the Pro-Wrestling Revolution Training Academy when he was 14, having been trained after school on Fridays and over the weekends. Jenny was so proud to see her son excel in such a dangerous sport, she was always worried for him, but she knew he was in good hands being trained.

And when it came time for him to take it to actual matches, he delivered it to the masses that were there to watch. Usually going my his in-ring name, Fighter Sky, he would wow the crowds with his amazing feats of strength, heart-pounding leaps off of the top rope, and even amazing escapes from supposedly impossible submission holds. He was so amazing, that he even caught the eye of the famous Rey Mysterio, Luchador extraordinaire. He impressed the WWE star so much, that it even got him as far as to ask Vince McMahon himself at the time, to sign him up for a contract to the company. It took quite some time to convince the old man, but Triple H, another famous WWE star, also backed up Rey and finally managed to get Skyler hired, but under his new name of "Skyler Cloud".

His debut was, however, in front of monitors as COVID-19 struck the world, and the WWE had to make some cautionary measures to ensure the safety of not only the WWE Universe, but it's stars that work for the company. Although he performed in front of people, who are watching from the comfort of their homes like it was a taped video, he did garner a healthy fanbase with the WWE fans, in fact, he was immediately the babyface right out the gate. His first match was on Raw, against Buddy Murphy, and at the time, he was a disciple of Seth "The Messiah" Rollins, who had already blinded Rey in one eye.

But outside the ring, he was friends with everyone, his smile was infectious and his jokes were just as. In the ring, he was one of those workers that can keep anyone safe, from near-botches, to overshot jump moves, heck, he even rivals Mike "The Miz" Mizanin for being one of the safest people to work with.

Speaking of matches, his debut match was nothing short of astounding, wowing the crowd, and even the announcers with his variety of moves, pulling out all the stops to put on a great match. Clotheslines, Rope-Rebounded moves, jumps, flips, kicks, grappling moves, he is doing all that he can muster, and he delivered when even on his first match in the WWE, he managed to get a respectable 5 star rating, even for a debut match. And the hype just kept going and going as whenever Seth, Murphy, Rey, and even a debuting Dominik feud against each other, Skyler would always be there to back the Mysterio family up whenever they needed it.

When it came to the Aalyah and Murphy romance, however, Skyler openly expressed his uncomfortability with such a storyline. The former was 19 years of age, and the latter was 32 years when someone from creative proposed that sort of thing. But what could he do, he was a wrestler, but thankfully Hunter managed to alter that romance in a way that seems appropriate: Skyler would be a part of this romance by being the "jealous" and "overprotective" best friend of Aalyah towards Murphy. And during that arc, it culminated into a match where if Murphy won, Sklyer would stay away from the pair for good, but if he won instead, a restraining order would be issued.

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