"Riley's spot"

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date: December 24, 2057

As I turn the corner I see the source of the sirens. I figured my one hundred and three year old neighbor's heart finally gave out, but to my surprise that's not where the cops and ambulances were parked. It was in front of my house. A pit forms in my stomach, I was supposed to stay home with my twin sister, Riley, because our mom and dad went to my Mom's work meeting, but I begged her to let me go to Hailey's house and not snitch. She was home alone. I get out of the car, leaving my best friend Hailey in the passengers seat, and run towards the house, I have to see what's wrong. I have to make sure Riley is okay. Caution tape surrounds the house as I see a body get rolled out, a white sheet covering it. Only the sheet isn't white, it's covered in dark red. Blood. I change my direction and start running towards the body, but a police officer grabs me and holds me back.

"WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE'S RILEY?" I scream, tears filling up my eyes. The police officer just hugs me and holds me close. Woodsboro is the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, this is the older brother of my best friend, Hailey. He just recently became a deputy, but I've known Hailey ever since I was a little kid and they're basically a second family to me.

"I'm so sorry, Eli. I'm so, so sorry." I hear the strain in his voice, my heart nearly stops. I push away from his body, anger filling my blood.

"Where is Riley?" I ask again, this time more desperate, I feel the tears leave my eyes.

"She's dead." Lochlyn says, taking his police hat off and wiping the tears off of his face.

"No- no she can't be. She can't be dead." I protest, how could my twin be dead, that's just not even possible. She's my best friend, we come in a pair, you can't just get rid of one of us.

"Loch, what the fuck is going on?" Hailey asks, getting out of my car and running towards us. "Is everything okay?"

"I really think we should talk about this when we get home, Hailey." Lochlyn says, it's almost more like a plead. But if Hailey is one thing it's stubborn.

"No, I want to know what the fuck is going on." Hailey persists.

"Someone killed Riley." I say coldly. She turns and looks at her brother for confirmation, but he just bows his head.

"Killed? What the fuck? N-no. Riley." I hear her voice falter before breaking into tears. "Eli, I'm so sorry." She hugs me, but it's all too much.

"I have to go." I say, pulling away from her.

"No, we are going to take you down to the station, wait for your parents to get there. You shouldn't be alone right now." I turn away from Lochlyn, I can't listen to him right now. Before I know it I'm running as fast as I can, straight into the forest behind my house.

The cold breeze mixed with my tears makes my eyes puffy. I'm unable to see as I trip and fall down the creek and into the freezing water. I get up and crawl out of the water, shivering. I can't stop, I need to get to Riley's favorite spot. I get up and continue to run, I run through all of the trees and all of the mud, never stopping. That's when I see it, Riley's spot. It's a clearing with no trees just grass and it was her favorite place because you could see all of the stars. She always loved the stars. I keep running towards it, but something catches my eye. A black figure, with a white mask. Immediately I know who this is. I've seen every true crime podcast about Woodsboro and what happened in 2023. This is the Woodsboro Slasher, Ghostface. He's behind me, but he's running full speed, I don't know how I missed him. Only one thing comes into my mind, is this the same person who killed Riley?

I keep running, but now I don't know where to run. There's no places to go and I'm all the way in the forest. I'm at a dead end. I reach down and grab a rock, before turning around and throwing it as fast as I can. It manages to hit the killer in the face, and they fall to the ground. I don't want to risk going the same direction of the killer, so I continue to go to Riley's spot. I run until I can no longer see the killer behind me, and I've finally made it to the clearing. I look up and look at all of the stars, my heart aches as I think about my sister. How somebody could've hurt her. That's when I see it, a shooting star in the distance. I close my eyes, Riley always used to tell me that if you wish on a shooting star, your wish really will come true. I decide to give it a try, for Riley.

"I wish that I could've stopped the killer before they killed Riley." I whisper, a tear rolling down my face. I close my eyes as if that will change anything, but of course when I open them again, I'm still here. Nothing has changed. I wipe the tear off of my face and say my final goodbye to Riley. "I will always look for you in the stars, Riles." I turn around, and immediately scream, seeing that the Ghostface Killer is right behind me. I watch as he raises a rock and swings it towards me, I barely dodge it. I try to run, but it's to no avail, I trip over a stone and fall to the ground. The killer gets on top of me and raises the rock. I close my eyes to prepare for the blow, but it doesn't come. I slowly open my eyes, but the killer isn't there. I get up, but the field doesn't look the same. Something is off, it doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel like Riley's spot, at least not the way it just was. So if that's true then, where am I?

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