Crossing Over

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After Elena left to snag some more curly fries for the pack, Stiles sat everyone else down for a quick chat. "Why are we having a meeting without Elena?", Mike asked. "Yea, isn't she like your favorite?", Merlin added. "What? I don't have favorites?!", Stiles exclaimed, shocked. The others seemed to genuinely think otherwise but Stile ignored their judgmental looks and side eyes.

"We're having this meeting without her because I'm not sure how receptive she would be to this idea.", Stiles admitted. "Uh oh, that means your idea either puts you in trouble or makes her look bad again." "IAN! No it does not! It just... It involves my old pack.", Stiles murmured solemnly. "Well, what about 'em?", Syd asked.

"I want to talk to Jackson. Let him know it's me."

Stiles braced himself for the onslaught of protests and counters but it never came.

"Okay.", Shouyou said. "Okay?" "Yeah, okay. If that's something you really want, we support you.", Izuku smiled softly. Stiles started to feel like he might cry. He was so relieved that his pack was so supportive, and felt so lucky to be their alpha.

Once Stiles calmed down a little, he gave everyone their instructions. First, both sets of twins made sure nothing that could be reported to the other pack was anywhere Jackson might see. Next, 'Brina, Merlin, and Syd started gathering all the magical tools necessary to break into Jackson's mind subtlety and lure him over here, then Ian helped Stiles get in place.

The witch, the beta spark, and the warlock formed a circle and started to break into Jackson's mind. Once in, it wasn't hard to sway Jackson into coming over alone. All they had to do was say they bet he couldn't do it. The very next moment, his ego took over and he was at their door. The non-creepy twins greeted him and led him upstairs where Jackson thought he was going to be negotiating with them to make them leave Beacon Hills. Instead, the Alpha Spark stood with his hood up and the rest of the pack behind him, looking like they were getting ready for something.

Potentially a fight.

"What is this?! Are you seriously trying to start a war right now? Y'know I could take all of you!", Jackson panicked. "Whittmore, no one wants to hurt you. Just let our Alpha show you something.", Zuku said. "Show me what, a magic spell? No thanks.", Jackson spat. "His face.", Sho clarified. Jackson was baffled. "What?" "He said our Alpha wishes to reveal his identity to you, dickwad.", Richie sneered. "Rich! Be nice.", Syd reprimanded.

Jackson looked curiously and expectantly at the Alpha Spark. The alpha took a shaky breath that Jackson felt like he knew from somewhere and started to lift his ridiculous red hood. As the hood went up and Jackson slowly saw the face underneath, his eyes widened further and further in shock.

"Stiles.", he breathed out, voice cracking as he choked on a sob. "Hey, Jax."

"You... YOU CAME BACK TO BEACON HILLS AND JUST DID'NT SAY A SINGLE THING TO THE REST OF US?!", Jackson yelled accusingly. "I'm sorry, did you think after what Scott pulled and the rest of you allowed that I'd really be all that eager to announce my presence?!", Stiles defended. Jackson looked down shamefully, "I'm sorry...", he whispered. "I know. That's why you're the one I've decided to trust here."

Jackson's expression contorted in confusion and hope, an odd mix to see on his usually smug face. "Jax, you can't tell the others who I am. You're welcome to join my pack, or you're welcome to stay with Scott and Derek's, but either way, if you tell them who I am... I'm gone. And so is the rest of my pack.", Stiles explained. Jackson looked confused but one look from Stiles' pack of distrust and worry for Stiles was all it took for Jackson to understand. "I'll join your pack. I can't keep living a lie, and I can't keep going without you. I know I can be an ass but you really are one of the best friends I've ever had." Stiles let out a breath of relief and the two hugged for the first time since they met each other in the first grade. "What about Ethan? Will you be alright without him?", Stiles asked. "I'll miss him, but I can't be in that stupid pack of liars anymore. If he really loves me, he'll follow me.", Jackson said honestly.

Stiles gave him a soft smile. Everything was perfect.


"STILES! Oh my god, they're going to kidnap Elena!", Jackson suddenly exclaimed. "What?!", the entire pack yelled at once. "Lydia, Kira, Scott, and Derek, they're all going to kidnap Elena to try and force your hand so you reveal your identity. What do we do?!", Jackson panicked.

"Relax, Jax. The answer is obvious; they don't know yet that you're joining my pack so we pretend to kidnap you. Then we offer a trade and keep you both.", Stiles said. "What if they won't give her up first?", Jackson asked. "Then you just get up and walk back to us."

"Hey, guys! Their pack is outside now looking for Jackson I think.", Ian said. "What did you tell them?", Stiles asked. "That I needed some air.", Jackson replied. "Alright, perfect. Let's fake kidnap you!", Stiles exclaimed excitedly. Jackson raised an eyebrow in amusement but said nothing. Everyone started to help Jackson into his fake binds and Jackson pretended to be unconscious as 'Brina used magic to carry him outside.

The first to notice them was Ethan. "JACKSON! What are you doing with him?!", he jumped to attack but Aiden and Liam held him back. "Let him go. We did nothing to provoke you!", Danny piped up from the back of the pack. "I'm not so sure plotting to kidnap one of our members is 'doing nothing to provoke us', but who am I to say?", Richie said sarcastically. Stiles put on his voice modifying spell and was thankful it was better now. "That's right flea bags, we know all about your little plan to find out my identity. And it's not going to work.", he told them.

That's when the camero pulled up and the two alphas along with kira and lydia clambered out, dragging a knocked out Elena with them. The wolves in the pack growled lowly at seeing their friend in the hands of people who hurt Stiles so badly.

The other pack's alphas looked confused. But that confusion left them as soon as they saw Jackson and was replaced with anger. Good.

Stiles and his pack successfully negotiated Elena's release and then it was time for the big reveal. "Your turn, Jax.". Stiles said. Jackson opened his eyes and took off the fake binds with a little help from Merlin. The whole time he glared as fiercely as he could at his old pack, especially Scott, and excluding Ethan. Speak of the devil, Ethan looked particularly broken by Jackson's next two revelations. "I'm the one who told them your plan. And I'm joining their pack."

The Mercury Pack retreated to their loft and left the shell-shocked pack of losers behind. Once inside, Zuku and Sho carried Elena to safety and Stiles warded the house with the other magic users' help to prevent the other pack from breaking in once they regained intelligence. Or what little of it they had.

It didn't take long before the McCall-Hale pack started banging on the doors only to be blocked even with their werewolf strength. In fact, it only took about 4 minutes after the warding was finished. Stiles guessed they were yelling as well but with their sound-proofing spells all anyone inside heard was each other.

Stiles dropped his hood on the table and turned to Jackson. The poor were-kanima looked so out of it. "I can't believe I just did that... for real.", he mumbled. "Jax, it's okay. I know change can be scary, especially a change in pack status. Trust me, I know. But you'll be okay. You have us now.", Stiles comforted the teen. "Yeah. I do.", Jackson smiled, looking at his new pack. They welcomed him with such open arms even knowing what he did before. And it was all because they trusted Stiles. He was a much better alpha than Scott or Derek ever were.

"Umm, what the hell is Whittmore doing in our pack loft?!", Elena demanded. "Oh good, you're awake.", Stiles cheered.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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