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One day, Quackity had to sign some important papers in his office. He was terribly busy and stressed, but he didn't want to leave Slime alone at home. He was worried about Slime getting hurt or getting goop everywhere. So, he took Slime with him and told him to wait patiently on the office couch while he did his paperwork.

Slime nodded and smiled, as he sat down with the crayons and paper and started to color. 

But he couldn't help feeling bored. Coloring is nice but he can't think of anything to draw, all he can think of is Quackity.

He loves Quackity. He wanted to talk to him, cuddle, and make him smile. But sadly, he knew Quackity didn't love him back. He loves Karl and Sapnap. Slime didn't know why tho. They hurt him, why does he still want to be with them? Who knows, it's probably just weird human things. Humans are confusing sometimes. 

In order to stop his overwhelming thoughts, he decided to walk up to Quackity's desk and see what he was working on.

Quackity was so focused on his work that he didn't notice Slime's presence. Slime saw the papers that Quackity was signing and felt curious. He wondered what they were about and if they were interesting. He picked up one of them and started reading it, well, trying too anyway.

Quackity heard a goopy noise and looked up. He saw Slime holding one of his papers in his hand, looking at him with innocent eyes. Quackity gasped and snatched the paper from him.

"Slime, what are you doing? This is important! You can't mess with these papers!" Quackity scolded.

Slime gasped, lowered his head and frowned. He didn't mean to upset Quackity. He just wanted to read the paper. He apologized with a soft voice and kissed Quackity's cheek.

Quackity sighed and softened his tone. He knew Slime was just being clingy and didn't understand the gravity of the situation. He wrapped his arm around Slime's shoulder and rubbed his back in a comforting way.

"I'm sorry, buddy. I know you're bored, but I have to finish this work. It's important for the country. Can you please wait a little longer? I promise I'll hang out with you later." Quackity said.

Slime nodded and smiled. He understood that Quackity had to work hard. He decided to be a good best friend and wait quietly until Quackity was done.

Quackity smiled and thanked Slime for being so patient and understanding. He resumed his work, but he also made sure to give Slime some attention every now and then. He held his hand, rubbed his back, played with his hair and gave him a snack.

Slime was happy and content. He enjoyed Quackity's gestures of love and ate the snack. He also watched Quackity work, because it's Slime. Watching is like his thing.


Thank you HeyoLynn for the request! I hope you enjoyed it! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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