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Everything is silent, not a voice or a breath can be heard through the long dark hallways. Not since The Disappearance four months ago. Everything went to hell after that day. No government, or police to keep everyone in check. They disappeared just like most of the population. Now there's no noise but the echoing of my footsteps crunching on whatever was scattered on the floor as I'm trying to sneak around the warehouse.
Those power-hungry monsters took all the food for themselves, leaving every other survivor to fend for themselves. If they even survived their 'rebellion' in the first place.  What did they call themselves again? Was it Reiche?  It doesn't matter besides, I just need to find where they keep the food. After that, I can finally leave this hell hole.
    The hallways were too dark to even see where I was going, the only light source there was the sunlight. Although they only lit the entrances during the day, if the doors were opened in the first place. But here, it's almost pitch black, I had to have my hand slide against the wall as I walked to feel for any doorways. I had a flashlight, but it was too risky to use it. There were at least 3 guards in this warehouse, I don't want to risk getting caught. It's much safer this way. I don't mind anyway, the feeling of the bumps in the wall brushing against my fingertips gives me a feeling of nostalgia. It almost felt comforting in a way, at least the texture of the walls never changed. Although the feeling was ruined by the intoxicating smell of rotten.
Suddenly I feel the entrance of a doorway, entering the room I see a light flashing right at one of the shelves. Catching a small glimpse of what they were flashing at, I see I've found where they keep all the food, but now I have to prevent getting caught. As I press my body against the wall I slowly start to inch away from the light. 
"Damn it! They took my backpack with them! Now how am I supposed to carry all this!?"

    What sounded like a stomp suddenly echoed all through the hallway.
Was this not a guard? Is this another survivor? Why are they being so loud for fuck's sake, are they not scared of being caught!?

"Damn, why can't they see I'm not useless!? Wow, look at me! I, the "useless Noem", have found where the Reich keeps their food! Bet they would have felt dumb for leaving me behind!" 

    I find myself scoffing. No wonder they left him, his insufferable and loud. Suddenly, almost as if it were in slow motion, the silhouette dropped the flashlight. Shit, was I too loud!?  The silhouette quickly turned around shouting, "Wh-who's there!? A-are you a guard!? Show yourself!"
    Quickly dashing towards him and pushing him to the ground  I quickly cover his mouth with my left hand, and I make sure he can't get up with the other. Feeling him struggle under me as I shift my body to keep his torso on the ground, with a low whisper I tell him;

"Are you stupid or something!? What are you doing here yelling!? You're going to get us both caught, so shut up! And stop moving, I'm not going to hurt you!"
    Although clearly stating I'm not a threat, I can still feel him struggling under me, muffling.

"Stop struggling! I won't move my hand until you calm the fuck down and promise not to yell, is that clear?"
    Slowly the guy under me started to calm down and stopped struggling as much, letting out what I think is a muffled version of 'OK, promise.' Waiting until he is completely still I slowly start lowering my left hand, although very slowly, I'm not risking more of his reckless behavior.

"Not. A. Single. Shout."
I quickly warned him with a whisper through my teeth. Feeling him flinch under me he quickly whispers, "Y-yes!"

"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing here shouting in the Reich's Wearhouse, do you know how dumb that is!?"

"I was just looking for food, I swear! I was just frustrated that my group left me!''

"And that's an excuse to yell that loudly!? Are you trying to get killed?!"
    I feel him slowly trying to make himself seem smaller as if embarrassed, and with a meager voice I can hear him mumble, 'Sorry.' Letting out yet again another scoff, I slowly moved my body to be able to stand up. Walking towards the shelf of food the forgotten flashlight was shining at. Crouching down to where the boxes of cans were and starting to look through them. Behind me, I heard how the guy stood up and started to walk towards me.

"Um... my name's Neom"

"I know, you're loud"

"Oh... sorry about that..."
    Letting out a sigh, I continued to put cans in the backpack I had brought.  Deciding to check out some other boxes of food, I spotted a box nearby, I extended my arm scooting it closer.

"So.. what's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Um, can I not...?"

"No, just don't see the reason why you'll need to know it."
    I heard him slowly walk closer and crouch down next to me. Starting to look through the boxes as well. Now with the faint light from the flashlight, I could see how bad the state of his clothes was. What seemed to be a once pine green hoodie was now filthy and filled with holes. He was also wearing sweatpants, the state of them not being any better than his hoodie.

"I'm just curious, um...  Can I help?"

Letting out a sigh I slowly answer.
"You can call me  Keller, do whatever you want, just stay. Quiet."
He quietly let out a low 'mhm' and started to look through the boxes as well. In almost seconds my backpack was filled with whatever food could fit. Slowly, I stood up and swung the backpack over my shoulders, making me have to take a step back because of the weight. Noem turned back to get his flashlight, then turned back at me.

"Um, can I stick with you? I have nowhere    to go and I don't want to be alone..."

"What? Absolutely not! You've already proven to me that you can't even use your common sense! And you want to stick with me!? After you could have gotten yourself and me killed!?"

"It was an accident, I thought I was alone! I'm sorry-!"
    All of a sudden, loud footsteps could be heard from the hallways, along with shouts. Shit!

"I'm sorry but you can't come with me!"
    Running past him I run towards the doorway, exiting the room. Over a corner, I can see a very faint light coming closer. I quickly take out my flashlight and turn it on, already running in the opposite direction from the shouting. Hearing Noem following close behind flashing his light behind me. I don't have time to worry about him. Now running through the hallways with a light, I can now see the horrifying state the warehouse was in. Rat droppings were everywhere, as well as other trash and even rotting food. The walls were filled with graffiti and what looked to even be dried blood stains. I swear I could feel myself getting dizzy, to think I was even touching that made me nauseous. However, I had to focus more on trying to run away and find an exit.
    I've been running for what seemed like hours trying to find an exit and avoiding the guards at the same time, although it's probably only been around 5 minutes. I can feel the weight of the backpack finally slowing me down, I need to find an exit, and quickly. Noem has slowly begun catching up. Suddenly I feel a hand pull me, making me run past a corner. Then I see it, an exit sign pointing towards the other end of the hallway. Just a few more feet! The exit couldn't have felt so close yet so far, and after a few long exhausting seconds, we were finally out the door.


As said in the description, this is my very first story! I hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any tips for me :)!
This was a school assignment but ended up actually kind of liking it lol, so in posting it here!
Please let me know your thoughts! And have a good rest or your time!
Word count 1453
Oct 16 2023
12:58 a.m.
Nov, 4 2023
8:28 p.m.

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