C1: Trouble

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[No one's pov]

"Wolf, wolf, kill the wolf, hunt them far and yonder, wolf, wolf, kill the wolf, till' all the wolves are done for..."

[Bendy's pov]

I sang a small phrase about killing a wolf as I shot an arrow at the poster of one on my door with my crossbow, from ontop of my top bunk where I sleep.

"See that, Merlin?" I say, jumping down to the floor. "Right on the nose."

A hawk (or falcon) flew over to me as he perches on my arm, chirping. "What are you saying? I was aiming for the nose." I say to my bird with a generous smile. Merlin chirps back to me in response. "I'm glad you agree."

Just then, the door opens. I glance over and saw my human father, known as Good Fellow. "Bendy..." he says. I then replied, "Yes, father?" With a smile of innocence. He stood tall with a fur coat hood and a bag with bear traps in it, along with his huntsman hat.

He looks at the arrow head that went through the door, being the one I had just shot. "Busy with your chores, I assume?" He says as he looks at me with a small smile.

I grabbed a broom after putting my crossbow aside. "Yes, father." I responded, starting to sweep the floor. "Oh," He adds. "Practically finished." I finished, continuing to sweep.

Father lets out a faint chuckle. "Seems you've certainly never been idol." He says, slightly jokingly. "Oh, idol? No," I began as I faintly laugh. "I've been busy sweepin', dustin' and moppin', just can't keep up with it." I say, looking at the dirty dishes, dust everywhere, and the arrow in my head board that fell to the ground.

Father walks in and closes the door, setting his hat aside with a light chuckle and a smile. He picks up my crossbow as he aims at the poster on the door, acting like he was aiming at it without an arrow. "I wonder what range that wolf poster is, 15 feet?" He asks, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"No way," I began with an exciting smile. "20 at least," Then I figured it was too far of a distance too be away from the door if I was in our home. "Uh, although...I'm not sure, uh haven't really considered it, too busy cleanin'." I say, slightly giving him a small wink before I resumed sweeping.

Father sets the crossbow down. "Bendy..." he began as he walks to the table. "This is our new hall, the book is in Brooshires's hall now, not this." He says, referring to our wooden cabin themed household.

(I wasn't sure if he said, 'Brookshire' or 'Brooshire' because I'm watching the clip from a dude who takes nearly through the entire show)

I was still sweeping. "Oh, it's so boring stuck in here all day. I should be out on adventures with you, like we did back in England!" I say, jumping in excitement. Father kneels down as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, lad. Lord Protector has strict rules; No children beyond the walls, you know that. Forest is brimming with real wolves. "If I can't chase them down, nor can you."

(Again, sorry if I get some dialog wrong, this guy keeps ruining it!!!)

"I'm not afraid of a wolf." I say. Father chuckles. "You've never seen a wolf." I look up at him, still determined. "And I'm still not afraid."

"Yes, and that's why I must be afraid for you." He says to me with a smile. I turn from him and continue sweeping. Father stands up as he gets ready to go out again. I then turn to him. "Well, I'll come with you to the gates."

He chuckles. "I'll be back until sundown. Stay indoors." He responded with a small smile, before shutting the door. I stood there for a few seconds before getting my blackish grey hood. Merlin lands on my arm. "Time to start tracking, Merlin. He chirps. "Yes, now!" I rush to get my crossbow and arrow before heading out the door to follow my father.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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