Chapter 12

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Clouds cover the sky, heavy with rain about to fall any moment. The full moon is supposed to be that night, but there will not be much to enjoy if the clouds do not clear up. The wolves on the beach are running around, some of them half in their wolf body already. The water splashes as they jump into the sea, and sand spreads over the land as they dig in the soil.

"Is this already part of the ritual?" Jiora whispers to Vaskya, both women taking in the scene before them with eyes as large as coins.

"I don't think so, it's just the energy we get from the moon." She answers, talking faster than she usually does. But other than that, there is nothing different about her, she is not running, digging, or swimming like the other wolves. Perhaps every wolf responds differently to the moon, or her mother is simply not affected as much.

Hands full of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, they step over the digging wolves and meander around the running bodies. Jiora puts down her load while trying to find any familiar faces. Unfamiliar wolves are sitting around the food area, munching on leftover fish, and meat, but no Raco or Zav. Not that they would particularly want to talk to her.

The wind passes through her hair, making it go everywhere and stirring up the wolf furs. They ignore it and continue doing what they're doing, not paying any attention to the two visitors from deep within the woods.

"They don't seem to mind we're here." Looking around her, Jiora uses her normal tone again, figuring no one will notice her anyway. None of the wolves are communicating with each other with words. There are only some that are running after each other, or dancing together. The wind and the birds are the only sounds keeping the silence at bay.

"I'm sure they don't." Vaskya squints her brown eyes at the folk around her, absentmindedly putting a grape in her mouth.

Zav is still nowhere to be seen, neither is Raco. That doesn't affect the energy present on the beach, the wolves are not missing their alpha, and alpha-to-be. Perhaps they had to be somewhere else to arrange things for this day and prepare for the rituals later. Whatever it is, Jiora's heart makes a strange jump at the thought of seeing the young future alpha.

Taking a deep breath, Jiora gets up, following her mother to the edge of the forest. Looking back, a short figure catches her attention.

"Sibel!" Jiora shouts over the beach, her voice carrying far due to the lack of noise. A few bright burning brown eyes meet hers. They don't linger for long as they get back to what it is they're doing. Chills erupt over her spine at the sight but she continues walking in the direction of the young pack doctor.

"Oh hey, Jiora." She finds her friend sitting on the sand, hand in hand with other wolves from what seems to be her own pack. There are a lot more wolves here than there were a few days ago when Jiora last visited.

"How are you?" The low-hanging sun carefully breaks through the thinning clouds, casting the beach in a soft pink glow.

"Uhm, fine. It's the full moon so we're kind of busy?" She gestures to the other wolves in her company, but only the tops of their heads are visible.

Well, that's definitely her not-so-subtle way of telling Jiora to kindly go away. "Okay, I was just wondering if you've seen Zav." It's out of her mouth before she can take it back. Zav likely will not be in the mood to see her as well, she must be busy.

"She's looking for a white substance for the painting tonight." Getting back to her group, she closes her eyes. "I don't know where she is exactly."

"Okay, thanks." Turning around, Jiora walks away from what she would call a friend. Zav is just busy, maybe she'll see her later. No matter how much she tries to console herself, that feeling of disappointment is not willing to disappear. Why does she want to stay here? There is nothing for her on this beach, except some people she might have gotten to know over the past couple of days, but her mother is back in the forest. She should get back there, it is only right.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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