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The beats of the screeching song played was literally reverberating through the whole floor in the club. Neon lights flying here and there. Lights blinking so constantly that everything looked a little too surreal. Too slow.

But if one looks deep enough they'll see, the amount of illegality going on in the speed of a blink. Where real power lies, so does danger.

Kai wanted to scoff at these sprouts these days, who waste their life off when many weren't even given the chance to live it. And when they learn, it's too late and they've lost too much to be recovered.

He didn't care anymore about his lack of choices anymore though. This is who he is. This is who he will be and this is all he wants to be. A dealer, manipulator, a murderer, the destroyer. A devil many fears. His life is always in danger. And so are the people's who has the death wish of wanting to destroy him. He knows what's the price of losing. He isn't one to make mistakes. He won't make one.

"Kai. It's true."

He turned to look at his right hand man, Joon. He nodded to show that he had acknowledged it before returning his gaze back to the crowded dance floor of the club he could see clearly from the balcony railings he was leaning on.

It was all business even in the underworld. His informer gang was a large one. But not as large as his group, of course. But the size doesn't matter here. He needs the informer gang as much as the gang needs him. So when a threat to his source comes in the form of another gang, he has no choice but to destroy it. It is his job to destroy the gang because, the informer gang engaging in it will have other consequences Kai doesn't want his informers to deal with and a numerous amount of resources that would be valuable to him would be destroyed unnecessarily. So there is no other way. Kai doesn't keep threats. He ends it.

"We are killing it." He murmurs quietly into the loud surrounding but Joon manages to catch it before walking away with a nod.

After throwing another glance at the crowd, he lit a cigarette and followed the exit path to his SUV. He has work to do. He has people to get rid of.

Sehun could do nothing but freeze in complete shock as his boss points a pistol at him. A silencer covering it's head.

"I'm sorry, Sehun." But he didn't look or even sound a least bit sorry, "You are more danger than anything else I've ever had to handle. I'll keep the information stored with me."

Sehun couldn't help the stutter that came when he spoke, "W-why?"

"Well," his boss shrugged, "The fact that we are expanding doesn't sound good to many. And keeping you safe with me while we move isn't possible. So what else do you suggest that I do with the Jewel of my gang who could easily be the biggest threat if left aside?"

"You bastard!"

"You should be glad I'll be killing you straight away instead of doing something worse." his boss scowled, "Sorry, Sehun."

But of course, so what if he was only an asset to the gang because of his brain? He could fight enough to stay alive. Before the man could pull the trigger, Sehun could fight to survive.

He lurched forward suddenly, catching the middle aged man off guard, and tackled him to the ground. The gun slid across the floor from the man's grasp and Sehun threw a punch onto the face of the man under him. Grunting, his boss reached from where he had fallen on the ground from the punch towards the gun close to him. But Sehun immediately stamped on the man's hand, ignoring the cry as a result, he kicked the gun towards the other side of the room. Reaching down towards the man, Sehun hauled him up by collar before pulling back his elbow to hit the other by the head. With another loud grunt his ex-boss fell over the desk on their side of the room.

But Sehun realised immediately that he had done a huge mistake. Before he could run towards the man to stop him, the other pulled out the drawer and reached for the gun inside. Sehun hadn't even moved out of the way before two ear splitting shots filled the quiet air.

Blinding pain overcame his senses before he crashed onto the floor. He could only register pain overcoming his system. And just when he was about to give in to the darkness covering his vision, chaos broke out all over the place. Muffled gun shots and shouts could be heard from where he lay unable to move due to the numbing pain. He wanted to keep his eyes open to clearly look at the sudden number of people surrounding him. But it was too tempting to not to give in to the numb void.

The last thing he saw was a man crouched beside him with a masked face under thick black hair and a pair of death pronouncing eyes before everything drowned in black.


Another story here. So, let me know if you find it interesting through your comments. I'll try to update frequently. Thanks for all your support shown so far. And Jewel as mentioned in the prologue above is because Sehun has a great talent in this story. It's going to be uncovered in the following chapters. So keep calm and prepare yourself for a lot of action. ;)

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