Chapter 1

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Sehun opened his eyes to a bright room. The ceiling above him was too blurred for him to make out anything other than its colour. The thin sheet covering him did nothing to help him from the freezing atmosphere he was put in. His lips quivered when he opened them to gasp from the pain that assaulted him. His chest hurt whenever he tried to take a deep breath. He just wanted to go back to the empty numbness he was in before he woke up. He groaned softly at his sore back. But sitting up was out of question with how comfortable the pillow and bed felt under him and not to mention, the pain.

He groaned again when he felt a hand brushing his chest but the words uttered to him were clear.

"These are pain killers." Oh. Lifesavers.

A hand at his back guided him to sit up but Sehun wanted to lay back down again because of how his head spun. The water that gushed down his throat after the pills were  soothing. And before he knew it he was already losing consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, the pain was at a minimum. The man from earlier came over again to help him sit up and gave him another set of painkillers and set a tray of mild food on the table beside the bed before leaving again.

Sehun sighed. He knew he was at the enemy gang's. They probably knew that he was the Jewel  too. He doesn't see another reason as to why they would keep him alive. A source. He was as good as dead when their use was over. Or worse.

He sat up slowly and let his legs dangle from the side of the bed. He was in a  room with a false ceiling and a false walls. He didn't know what was beyond. He doesn't want to know either. There is no way he could run out of this place. He was surrounded by people who knew the area well and trying to outdo them would be foolish. He tried to sit straight but the pain stopped him from doing so.

He heard people murmuring from where he sat. Their words seemed to echo too much so he couldn't make them out. Not focused enough to pry, he just shook his head and looked at his pale feet and the white flooring and didn't notice the white door, camouflaged by the white walls, open to reveal two men.

Sehun started when the door squeaked slightly. He immediately  schooled his expression into one of nonchalance and looked into the eyes of the masked man standing beside the casually dressed person who had given him pain killers earlier. Something about his unmasked part of the face seemed familiar. But he didn't have it in himself to stare back with the same intensity. The blank eyes of the man was too.....too.....Sehun didn't know what to describe it with. It looked dead.

If there was one thing Sehun was good at it was memorising infinite data and the next best thing would be his observation skills. There was obviously no beating around the bush with this man. If Sehun wanted answers  he had to be straight with his questions.

"What's this place?"

"Headquarters." The answer was too vague and Sehun was on the verge of blazing frustration.


"Kim Kai." Sehun was in a state of shock at the blunt and unexpected answer. Kim Kai? The Underworld Czar? Why would Sehun's ex-group be a target of Kim Kai's?

"What do you want from me?" Sehun asked. He was sure that nobody knew of his role in his former group. Why is he kept alive then?

"Sources confirmed that you were a pretty important person in your dead group," Sehun cringed internally at the deep voice confirming his belief of his discrete identity wrong,  "But if the boss himself wanted you dead then you must be a dangerous possession to leave behind in the run."

"In the run?" Sehun frowned. Sehun was completely lost for a second before he remebered his boss's words. Something about keeping Sehun around when he leaves being an unsafe stripe for the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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