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Jimz is the main character of the story (aka the protagonist)


He and his brother were in the living room while his parents where cooking there favourite meal pasta since they are Italian , then the smoke alarm went off causing fear in him and his brother hopz , a bang came from in the kitchen there mother was dead on the ground , there father in fear stood and watch , as all things you can think hopz screamed blaming his dad , nobody keeping control of the cooking the fire of the hob caught a wooden spoon catching fire to it the house the walls were in flames , a flame came straight to hopz eye causing him to fall in the ground screaming in agony , Jimz had tears rolling down his eyes but the fire grew strong burning a few patches of hair on his bunny fur , he grabbed his dad and brother , throwing them both outside , they watched ...... There house burnt down to flames pink fire spread widely , hopz stood up screaming at his brother running g into the distance , Jimz hands reached trying to get his brother back , all he could think about was his mom in the house shit dead burning away , his brother gone , and his dad in a traumatic state, later on the fire brigade came crashing into the building stopping the fire , a body found dead in the ground with a bullet lodged in its head, to only assume the father was too blame so they took him away , with no one left all alone , he was set up for foster care , a old lady took him in side feeding him , neutering him as if he was her own , but he still could not get over the traumatic experience he could not sleep for a days, he came along to the old lady liking her more , she was like a nice old grandma to him , she always said she would take care of him till the day she died , that have him comfort and made him wanted , and she kept that promise.

More background on the character :

Age:He is 35 years old

Gender:He is a male

Species:demon bunny

Fav colour:yellow

S or d : single

Sexuality: bisexual

Siblings : 1

Family:Dad in jail , Mom dead , foster mom sick , brother ran away

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