the first morning back

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I was just taken back in with my family yesterday evening. Since I'm a boy, and there's only one other boy, I share a room with my big brother Lincoln! He's a good roommate, but hes kind of a sleep talker. I'm a light sleeper, so I don't get a lot of sleep at night, although to be fair, I never really have. Anyways, I woke up to some screaming, I had fallen asleep on the floor so I looked up at Lincoln's bed, I noticed he wasn't there.

I got up, put on a tank top and opened the door, no one was in the hallway but there was still screaming. I walked towards the bathroom, on the other end of the hallway, and I got to the stairs when someone almost bumped into me. It was Leni, Luan was chasing her with a fake spider and she didn't see me, but someone pulled me out of the way. I opened my eyes to see Luna, she pulled me out of the way so that I wouldn't get knocked down.

Luna: "you ok little bro?"

Lukas: "y-yeah, thanks Luna!"

I walked to the bathroom and combed my strawberry blonde, shoulder length, soft hair straight back. I went back to me and Lincoln's room and shut the door. I quickly changed from my basketball shorts to some dark blue jeans that went a little past my ankles, then I sat down on Lincoln's bed and cuffed the jeans. I got back up and slipped on my black and red tennis shoes before I grabbed my backpack. I was about to leave the room when I remembered I needed my jacket, I grabbed my black and purple Letterman jacket and wrapped it around my waist.

I opened the door and got knocked in the face with a football.

Lukas: "Lynn!"

Lynn: "sorry bro, should've ducked!" *laughs*

Lukas: "whatever..."

I walked into Lola and Lana's room to ask Lola for some help, but they were busy arguing, so I slowly left the room. I went to Lori and Leni's room and knocked on the door. Leni opened the door and looked down at me.

Leni: "hi Lukas!"

Lukas: "hey Leni! I was wondering if you could help me with something? I would ask Lola, but she's busy arguing with Lana..."

Leni: "sure! What do you need help with?" *looks at what I'm wearing* "oh, you need help with your wardrobe, don't you? Don't worry, I'm on it!"

Lukas: "no, no, Leni, not my wardrobe! I was wondering if you could help me put on some makeup? I'd do it myself but I keep messing up"

Leni: "oh, sorry Lukas, but I'm not very good at my makeup either..." *she started thinking* "... Maybe try Luna? She does her own makeup everyday and it looks pretty good!"

Lukas: "ok, thanks Leni"

I walked across the hallway to Luna and Luan's room and knocked on the door. The door opened and I was quickly met with a pie to the face. Luan started laughing really hard as Luna threw me a towel to clean my face.

Lukas: "thanks again Luna! I came to ask you for some help"

Luna: "no problem little bro, what do you need?"

Lukas: "can you help me with my makeup? I asked Leni but she said to ask you"

Luna: "oh, yeah sure!"

Luna went into the bathroom and grabbed a little black bag before she came back to her room and motioned for me to sit down. I sat down and Luna pulled out some mascara and started applying it.

Luna: "what color eye shadow?"

Lukas: "purple please"

Luna: "lipstick?"

Lukas: "purple"

Luna: "do you want eye liner?"

Lukas: "uhmmm, yeah sure"

Luna: "alright! Done"

Lukas: "thanks Luna!"

I left their room and walked downstairs. I saw it was almost 7:00 so I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple for lunch, but I put it in a baggy first, can't let my notebooks get all wet and soggy. It was about 6:45 now, and Lola said that mom doesn't drive us to school until 7,so I had some time. I started reading until it was time to go. Mom rushed us into Vanzilla and first dropped off Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan at the high school, then Lynn at the middle school, and then she dropped off Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, me, and Lisa at the elementary that was also apparently a preschool.

That's all for this chapter, I'll be sure to update

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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