Prologue: (Y/N) Shows

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The sun, a vibrant ball of orange fire, cast long shadows across the quiet suburban street as I dismounted my bike, its worn tires crunching on the gravel. The cool autumn air nipped at my exposed skin, making me shiver despite the warmth of my leather jacket. Although I had only moved here a few weeks ago, the city already felt like home.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the creaky gate of Pomni's house. The overgrown lawn needs mowing, and the faded paint on the porch railing spoke of years of neglect. Yet, the place had a certain charm, a quiet resilience that mirrored Pomni herself.

As I entered the house, the silence was thick and oppressive. The air hung heavy with the smell of dust and forgotten memories. I called out Pomni's name, my voice echoing through the empty rooms. There was no answer, only the mournful creaking of floorboards beneath my feet.

Panic began to gnaw at me. Pomni wasn't one to wander off, especially not without telling me. I searched the house, my heart pounding in my chest. The kitchen, with its chipped dishes and overflowing garbage bin, offered no clues. The living room, with its faded floral wallpaper and worn-out furniture, remained equally silent.

Finally, I arrived at Pomni's room. The name, scrawled in uneven letters on a piece of cardboard and taped to the door, seemed to mock me. I knocked softly, my knuckles rapping against the wood like a drumbeat of fear. When there was no response, I pushed the door open, bracing myself for the worst.

Pomni lay sprawled on her bed, bathed in the blue-tinged light of the computer monitor. A half-eaten bowl of cereal sat on her bedside table, its contents growing cold and soggy. Relief washed over me, momentarily erasing the tension from my shoulders.

 Relief washed over me, momentarily erasing the tension from my shoulders

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But then I saw the video playing on the screen. It was a strange concoction of animation and live-action, filled with vibrant colors and characters that seemed to jump out of the 1980s. A strange, disembodied voice boomed through the small room, speaking of a "Digital Circus" and a mysterious offer that was "invalid in New Jersey."

I watched in fascination as a motley crew of characters, including a flamboyant ringmaster and a sad comedy mask held by a string, interacted with each other on the screen. The video was bizarre, yet undeniably captivating.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. Maybe this could be the answer. Maybe this "Digital Circus" could provide Pomni with the escape she so desperately needed. It could be a way for her to forget, even for a little while, the pain and loss she had suffered.

A smile touched my lips. It was a gamble, I knew, but it was worth a try. I would get Pomni that VR headset. I would become her digital guide, her partner in this virtual world. Together, we would explore the depths of the "Digital Circus" and find solace in its fantastical embrace.

And maybe, just maybe, we would find a way to heal, together.


A wave of relief washed over me as I held the VR headset in my hands. It was worn, the plastic slightly yellowed, but the worn leather felt smooth under my touch. Tracking it down had been a nightmare, a relentless pursuit through dusty antique stores and forgotten corners of the internet. The show's sudden disappearance, its legacy reduced to a handful of grainy, found-footage episodes, only fueled my anxieties. But here it was, tangible proof that Pomni and I could finally step into that world together.

My fingers trembled as I wrapped the headset for Pomni, each fold of paper a silent promise of shared adventures. I stood outside her door, the familiar silence of her house wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. This time, however, a light peeked from beneath the door, a beacon of warmth and possibility.

My heart thumped in my chest as Pomni opened the door, a shy smile gracing her lips. Her eyes, usually downcast, met mine, a question forming in their depths.

"(Y-(Y/N)," she whispered, her voice tinged with surprise.

"Come in," she said, stepping aside to allow me entrance.

The familiar scent of her room washed over me, a mixture of lavender and old books. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the worn furniture and the overflowing bookshelves. Pomni stood awkwardly, clutching the small, decorated box I had presented her.

With a gentle smile, I helped her into her room, my fingers brushing against hers for a fleeting moment. The spark sent shivers down my spine, a delicious reminder of the unspoken bond between us.

As she opened the box, her eyes widened in surprise. A gasp escaped her lips, her breath catching in her throat. The VR headset, nestled in its velvet lining, seemed to shimmer under the sunlight, a portal into another world.

"This is..." she began, her voice trembling with emotion.

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. The cost of the headset, a month's worth of my meager earnings, was a small price to pay for her happiness.

Together, we plugged the headset into her old computer, the whirring of the fan a comforting prelude to the adventure that awaited us.

"Are you ready?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

Pomni's smile was radiant, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Yes," she replied, her voice filled with a newfound confidence.

I put on my headset, and the world around me dissolves into darkness. The familiar hum of the VR system filled my ears, a steady heartbeat leading me into the unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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