The meeting

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Sunas POV:

He quickly walked down the hall to his office, he had to quickly get his stuff together for the meeting. He barely had enough time to get ready as he darted down the hall. He ended up getting a quick scolding from a fellow co-worker in doing so, but it didn't really matter to him, all that matters is this meeting. He could get a raise from this, maybe work more hours, even though he liked not having many work days. Not being at work so much meant more time to spend with his lovers.

He thought about this morning, "Maybe I should have been less harsh on them. " then he was put into a coughing fit, his cold seemed to be getting worse to his luck. As he stopped he thought about what it would be like to stay home in bed, cuddling with Osamu. That would be like heaven, he could just imagine himself melting in his lovers arms, being taken care of. Though he had to snap out of that as he opened the door to the meeting room. He nervously gulped as he stepped in looking at the heads off the company. "Hello Suna Rintaro, you're just on time. " One of the heads of the company said. "They actually know my name? " Suna thought to himself, slightly shaking.

Osamu's POV:

He was all alone, Komori and Akagi left for work. He was worried about Suna, thinking that he could get more sick. Chills ran down his spine, he hadn't realized how cold it was in the room. He sat up and grabbed a blanket from the bed. He was engulfed in the sent of his lovers, enjoying every moment of it, as like time stopped. He could end up falling asleep, and he really wished he could, but he had to get up. On most days he would stay in bed cuddling up with his lovers until they had to leave. Once Komori and Akagi would leave he would snuggle up with Suna. Oh how he loved those days. On occasion none of them would have to go to work and would just have a big cuddle puddle until noon. Although he was alone he decided to get some things around the house done, simple things like washing clothes, doing the dishes.

After he was done cleaning, which didn't take long because there wasn't much, he just decided to fall asleep. He walked to the room snuggling up in the blankets once more, he nearly drifted off to sleep when all of a sudden he heard his phone ringing, he was getting a call from non other than his brother.

Atsumu's Pov:

He was kinda in a hurry to call his brother. Something just happened to him that was life changing.

(Welp that's all😭 but I'm back and I'm coming out with a new book maybe soon, idk but I hope you enjoyed this bye)

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