Let it go.

24 3 20

No one's pov

Jisung and Minho were sat on their living room couch, staring at "frozen", a movie which they had seen thousands of times, yet seemed to never get tired of.

And then played Jisungs favorite part, where Elsa walked through her self made ice stairs, as the rhythm for 'let it go' began playing.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation;
And it looks like I'm the queen..."

Jisung sang quietly, shaking minhos arm which he was hugging, a signal for the older to sing.

Minho groaned playfully, though secretly, he would always love to sing for the younger.

He then begun singing, in a soft, warming and undeniably tired voice.

"The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know"

Jisung jumped off the sofa squealing, as he jumped up and down, waiting for his absolute favorite part to start.


Jisung sang, his notes sung beautifully, even though he was basically screaming. Maybe it was just that, in Minhos eyes, jisung was always beautiful.

Jisung twirled in the air, jumping around with his arms spread, a bright heart shaped smile present on his face, as he jumped onto Minho, making him grunt.

He giggled, grabbing his lovers face as he pressed kisses all around him. Feeling minhos arms snaking under his legs, he felt himself being lifted and brought to their room onto their bed, as Minho playfully threw jisung, jumping right next to him; as he hugged jisung, caressing his cheek.

The backround 'let it go' song kept playing from their living room, making minho doze off, before suddenly jisung squealed once again, jumping up and down on the bed, and began singing once again, his favorite lyrics.

"Let it gooo!!"
Jisung sang, giggling as he shook Minho, ushering him to sing along.

"Let it.. gOoOo.. I guess.."
Minho, unenthusiastically said, as he stared fondly at his lover, resting on his elbow as his eyes kept fluttering shut, as he finally fell asleep, jisung getting cuddled close to him, immediately following his lovers sleep.


A year later..

"You got the bags min?"

"Which one?"

"The squirrel one, the one you gave me!"

Shouted jisung, as he packed his last things inside their car. They were about to go to a friend reunion with all of skz, since their disbandment, they had seen each other one or two times, yet called each other so much their phones were starting to fail on them.

They all had their own busy life's, hyunjin and Felix living together as friends, seungmin with jeongin having the times of their life's, and changbin and Chan still producing for their own enjoyment.

"Is it this one?"

Said Minho, a bit out of breath as he ran up to jisung.

"Yup! Can you put it in the trunk please?"

Minho nodded, pecking his forehead before walking off to put the bag in the trunk, minutes later, they both got inside, singing to their old songs.


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