Choosing The Prince/Princess

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*This story takes place February 12th, 2022*

It was a normal day at T.O.T.S. Flyers delivering babies, eating and chatting in the cafeteria, and little baby animals playing in the nursery.

Captain Beakman likes seeing a well-run T.O.T.S. but she felt like her flyers could use some fun. And Captain Beakman likes to have fun!

She needed to think of an idea for her flyers to have a fun and amazing time. "We could all go to the beach? Umm maybe not. Maybe we should go to an amusement park? That's different and sounds fun as it is but it's not that time of year for that yet. Hmm..." Captain Beakman said, trying to think. Why isn't anything coming to her?

Just then she heard a knock on her office door. "Come in." Captain Beakman said to whoever was on the other side of the door, wanting to come in.

"Hello, Captain Beakman." Pip said, coming into the office. He was here for his check-in with Captain Beakman. Captain Beakman has been having Pip have a check-in with her because of what happened to him about eight months back when he was being bullied by Hunter.

"Oh, hello, Pip." Captain Beakman said, waving at the penguin.

"I'm here for the check-in with you." Pip said as he stood in front of Captain Beakman's desk.

"Oh. Yes you are." She pauses. "I have a question for you, actually. Not related to the check-in."

"What's that?" Pip asks.

"Do you think all of us should do something fun? Like, going to the beach or something? Or going to an amusement park?" Captain Beakman asks him.

"Uhh... I'm not really sure. I thought you were going to ask me how my days been going or something like that. Not 'do you think all of us should do something fun'." Pip replied, seeming really confused right now.

"I know. I really want all of us to do something exciting and new and different. Plus, you all have been working really hard. I want this 'something fun' thing to be my treat to you all. For working so hard." Captain Beakman explains. "We'll just skip the check-in for now. Back to the question. Do you think we all should do something fun?"

"I guess so. I mean, you do have a point. We've all been working hard here at T.O.T.S. and should have a break or something." Pip said.

"What should we do then? Go to the beach? An amusement park? Or maybe go see some fireworks?" Captain Beakman asks, really needing more ideas.

Pip thinks for a second before replying. Doing something fun with all of his friends sounded great! But what should they all do? Go see a movie, go to a waterpark, or maybe a magic show? Nothing was dawning on him. But then he thought of something.

"Me, Freddy, and K.C were reading a fairytale to the babies in the nursery before I came in here." Pip said.

"What about that?" Captain Beakman asks.

"Well, we were reading Cinderella to the babies. I was thinking we could have a ball or something? Only with one of us being the prince or princess hosting it?" Pip asks, hoping Captain Beakman sees where he's coming from.

"Hmm..." Captain Beakman says while thinking. "I think that's a terrific idea! Why don't you let everyone else know to go to the hangar and I'll meet you there?" Captain Beakman asks Pip.

"Okay but what about our check-in thing?" Pip asks, heading toward the door.

"We're skipping it, Pip. And I'm thinking it'd be best for you to have your check ins with Krysia. She's the therapist here after all." Captain Beakman replies.

"Okay! Bye, Captain Beakman!" Pip says, waving bye and heading out the door.

Once everyone is in the hangar, Captain Beakman appears on her office's balcony to where she can see everyone in the hangar. She presses a button to have the balcony go closer to her fliers and steps off it along with a wheel right next to her.

"All right, Fliers, I have an announcement. We are going to have our first ever T.O.T.S. Ball!" Captain Beakman announces excitedly and goes over to the wheel. "On this wheel are all of our names and whoever it lands on is going to host our first ever ball."

"Ooh this is going to be exciting! I wonder who it's going to land on!" Freddy says happily.

"Me too, Freddy! I've never thought we were going to have a ball here!" K.C says happily too.

"This is magnifique!" J.P said.

"This ball is going to be so much fun!" Ava says.

"What if something bad happens? Or if Hunter shows up? What will we do?" Bodhi says worriedly. He doesn't want something bad happening and doesn't want Pip to get bullied again.

"Don't worry. If something bad happens, we will do something about it. And we certainly don't want Hunter showing up and bullying Pip again." Captain Beakman said assuringly.

"Yeah, and if Hunter does ever show up, I will most certainly knock him out this time!" Krysia said determinedly in her knocking-out-pose.

"That won't be necessary, Krysia. Now let's see who gets to host this ball!" Captain Beakman says ready to spin the wheel.

"Wait. Did anyone suggest for us to have a ball or was this your idea?" Krysia asks.

"Actually, someone did suggest for us to have a ball." Captain Beakman says.

"Who?" Krysia asks, wondering who suggested it.

"Pip did." Captain Beakman says and looks at him.

"Huh?" Pip says confusedly.

"You did suggest for us to have a ball, right Pip?" Captain Beakman asks.

"Ummm yeah. I did." Pip replies.

"No wonder you've been so quiet." Krysia says teasingly, looking at the penguin. Pip blushes.

"Alright, now let's see who our prince or princess is." Captain Beakman says, spinning the wheel.

The wheel spins and spins until it comes to a stop and lands on someone's name.

"And it looks like our prince or princess is.............Pip!" Captain Beakman exclaims happily.

"Me?!" Pip says shockingly and his face turns a little red now.

"Yep. Would like to be the prince hosting our first T.O.T.S. ball?" Captain Beakman asks Pip.

"Umm... Alright. I'll be the prince for the ball!" Pip says.

"Great!" Captain Beakman says and takes the wheel with her back to her office.

"How good is this! You get to be the prince hosting our first ever T.O.T.S. ball!" Freddy says walking over to Pip, feeling happy for his best friend.

"Yep." Pip says, hoping nothing bad happens. 

T.O.T.S.- Pip's BallWhere stories live. Discover now