Chapter 2

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This infatuation became a constant puzzle, an obsession that took root in the fertile soil of his heart and mind. "Ooh, I try, I try, I try," he muttered, grappling with his emotions, attempting to make sense of the relentless pull of her charm. He was acutely aware that people were just people, all human beneath the surface. However, Lacy was no ordinary person. She was like an otherworldly being, as if crafted from the finest angelic dust, and he was powerless to resist her magnetic allure.

Lacy, ever conscious of her power, embraced the accolades and compliments that cascaded upon her like a torrent of bullets on her delicate skin. She was the embodiment of a dazzling starlet, a modern incarnation of the iconic Bardot. Lacy skillfully wielded the art of captivating hearts and souls with a mere glance, and she did so with an air of grace and unwavering confidence.

As the days passed, the man's obsession with Lacy deepened further. "Ooh, I care, I care, I care," he acknowledged to himself, the sensation of his stomach in knots an ever-present reminder of her captivating presence. Lacy held the one thing he coveted above all else, and he found himself ensnared within her irresistible charm.

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