Chapter 5

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Setting: ???
Time: ???
Date: ???
Status: Where are we? Also why is Censor Duck here?

I look around and notice the grassy field surrounding me. I am ninety percent sure that I was shot in the head and died. I run my hands in the dirt and dig my fingertips into the soil. I take some deep breaths before finally sitting up. I then notice Max next to me. I quickly try shaking him awake, then I noticed how his hair had a white streak in it. "Ross? Where are we?" I shrug and he slowly gets up. When we both got up, we took a good look around at everything, and we noticed the huge hole in the ground. "Yeesh, wonder what happened there." We walk around and we noticed all the graves built and how destroyed everything looked. We finally run into someone, someone with blond hair and blue eyes. He looked at us both with surprise and rushes over with caution. "Who are you?!" Max quickly introduces us, "My name is Max and this is Ross." He looks down at me in confusion and I ask, "And you are-?" He chuckles and says boldly, "Big man TommyInnit! Better remember it-!" We both nod and then I notice, "Wait- Where did Ranboo go? Do you think-?" The blond kid Tommy then holds a knife to our throats, "How do you know Ranboo?!" We stiffen up and even I can feel the fear coming off of us. The kid realizes he won't get any answers and the kid lowers the knife.

"We met Ranboo when he broke into our house." Tommy looks skeptical and gets more defensive, "Ranboo would never do that-!" "Well, we don't think he did it on purpose. As he was found knocked out on our floor." Tommy sticks the knife back up to our throats and makes us walk for thousands of miles, until we were in a snowstorm. I watched as Max started shivering so I quickly hopped into his sweater and popped my head out of the top. Tommy looked at us both confused but luckily didn't harm either Max or I.

We finally arrived at a door step to which Tommy got picked up by the throat by a piglin. Max and I quickly go into action and Max throws a solid punch while I climb up the mountain and bite his ear. The guy quickly drops Tommy and grabs us both with ease that it was honestly frightening. "Wait! Techno! They know Ranboo-!" "And why would I believe a traitor-?!" Max then cuts in, "Listen, We don't wanna listen to whatever this is-" He gets a death glare but Max continues, "Also, why are we being held hostage for knowing Ranboo? Did he commit  some crimes or something?" They both look at us dumbfounded and Max says, "Man, the afterlife is f*quack*ing weird." They then look even more confused, Tommy then speaks up, "This isn't the afterlife. This is the Dream smp." Now it was our turn to be confused. "Why would you think this was the afterlife?" "Well we got shot in the head? Kinda convinced us. Also the f*quack*k is the dream smp?"


They look at me confused and the Piglin asks, "Where the fuck did that Quack come from?" After a very long conversation, about Censor duck and how it bleeps out cursing when 'in front of a child.' Ross and I were welcomed into this guys house and we dragged Tommy in, cause I don't trust this guy one bit. I believe Ross and I could take the scrawny kid over the Piglin and I bet the kid could help us take the Piglin if needed. We all sat down and I then told them what I knew about Ranboo and how we interacted with the kid. They both listened intently and then I noticed how they both acted a lot like each other. "Sorry- are you both related-?" They both look extremely offended and even lectured us for even thinking so.

I apologize on the rash question from Ross and I. I quickly explain my thinking, "Sorry, you both have the same habit of staring us down, slightly taping your right foot, leaning in, and even both your ears twitch when we say something interesting." They both have wide eyes and look at each other, analyzing each other. Ross and I sit there awkwardly as they give each other a stare down. Thankfully the door opened and we are staring at a bird hybrid and Ross quickly runs into my sweater again. "Hello Techno- Why is there so many people in our house?" We all stare at each other and Techno then says, "They met Ranboo-" "How-?" Techno briefly explains how that happened and the bird man looks at us both. "That is just a full on squirrel." "A squirrel that could still f*quack*k you up." Techno then explains censor duck and how it works.

Ross eventually got out of my sweater and I quickly retrieve my censor duck switch. It helps when I swear in stores, but I don't think it is relevant here since the child swears more than me.  They start to think of a plan and that's when I notice a tall form off in the distance. I quickly rushed out and I can hear them rushing for both Ross and I. I run towards the tall figure and the figure came rushing to us, the closer we got the more I could see it was Ranboo. We finally all meet and I give them a hug and pick them up and keep them up. I start heading back to the house and Ranboo then says, "You can drop me in the snow, I am wearing boots." I reluctantly set them onto the ground and also got tackled by the piglin. I lay in the ground in defeat and I quickly yell out, "Ross! You okay buddy?!" I feel him shuffle around and I take that as a, 'No, but I am alive.' I sigh in relief and I hear Ranboo saying something but I am just trying to catch my breath after that tackle.

"Come on Techno! Get off of Uncle Max and My pal Ross!" I get a smile on my face but sadly was then grabbed by the arm and stood back up. I cough on the sudden access of air entering my body and faint onto the ground. Fuck you nerd lungs...

Max and Ross in: Found FamilyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant