[pt.1/2]He's Mine

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This pic felt right for this story.
16 year old Soukoku.

[Third Person Pov]

A whole week.That's how long Dazai's been watching this unfold.

What is "this" you ask?Why,watching a stupid little red head falling head-over-heels for his stupid little red head.Nakahara Chuuya.

Dazai didn't understand this,at all.He'd known this boy a year and a few months and he didn't understand how he could feel so possessive over a short,angry,dog-like gravity manipulator who hated his guts and who Dazai,in return,hated his.At least that's what he thought.

It was a normal day like any other.Dazai had been called in by Mori for some random mission and he awaited his partners entrance.It wasn't hard to tell when Chuuya was coming.At least not for Dazai.He's had plenty of time to figure the short boy out,and he did.

Chuuya always kicked the door open.Every time.It was not a kick that could break it,although if he wanted to he could.But it was loud,which was exactly what he was going for.As that was the way he scared people off.By being loud.

"Dazai Kun,"Mori said resting his head on his laced together hands."Where is Chuuya Kun?I called him here too and I figured you would walk here together."He said looking towards the window as if he had no thoughts.

"Oh I wouldn't be caught dead with that annoying chibi.But as for where he is.."

Dazai smiled a small smile and held his hand out towards the door right before the door  opened with a bang.

He and Mori watched as the short red-head walked in and stood next to his suicidal partner with his hands resting in his pockets like always.

"Oh.Well hello Chuuya Kun.Now that you're here,we can discuss this mission."Mori said unlacing his hands and standing up with his hands on his desk.
He opened a drawer on his desk and pulled out a tan file sheet and held it out for either of the boys to take.
"Take it chibi."Dazai said crossing his arms and looking out the window.
"Don't tell me what to do,idiot."Chuuya said walking towards the desk and then taking the file and walking back towards his partner.

Mori sat back down and explained the mission to them,as Chuuya flipped through the pages that the file contained.
Apparently they would be going on a mission in France.But while looking at the fine print Chuuya noticed something.
"It says the Black Lizard is supposed to be assigned this mission,"Chuuya said pointing at it while Dazai looked over his shoulder to see for himself.
"Oh,my mistake that one's for Hirotsu."Mori said chuckling a bit at the end."While the Black Lizard are going on this mission,"He said picking up an identical copy of the file."You will be assisting them."He said handing them the right file this time.

Chuuya and Dazai looked and saw their duo name in place of Black Lizard's.
"Oh,ok then."Dazai spoke up after staying quite for a long time."But why do we have to assist them?The Black Lizard are nearly always successful in their missions without help from others."
He spoke again taking the file from his partner and reading through it himself.
"The group they're dealing with is very shifty to say the least."Mori spoke once more standing up and walking around to the front of his desk.
Their leader,Eugene LeHaut(;-;),changes his mind very often and with little warning.Me and hirotsu thought it best if you to went too.Just to make sure everything goes as planned."
He finished picking a glass of wine off the desk and taking a sip.
"Now you best run along.You have some packing to do,and not very much time to do it.Hirotsu will fill you in on any other questions you have."Mori said shooing the two boys out of his office.

Time skip brought to you by my non existent will to live/J(Or am I..)

A few days later,Double Black and the Black Lizard met at an airport to get to France and get the business done that Mori had talked about."Hey Hirotsu Kun."Dazai greeted with his stupid smile that made Chuuya want to slap him all the time."Hi Dazai Kun.And hello to you to,Chuuya Kun."Hirotsu said nodding at him.Chuuya nodded back and fiddled with his bags and the ones Dazai shoved on him while his partner absentmindedly looked at the members of the Black Lizard.

First he saw Gin.She was Ryunnosuke Akutagawas sister and looked exactly like him except being a woman.
(She's training to be part of the black lizard at this time)

Then he Dazai saw Tachihara.He had crimson red hair and wore a bandaid on his nose and was about his hight.Tachihara sat on the stairs to go into the jet and took his gun out loading it,and reloading it out of boredom.
But his gaze,Dazai noticed,was not on his gun or anything else besides his partner.

It was hard to see at night but Dazai was certain he was looking at Chuuya.He felt a weird feeling like it was hard to breathe and he felt cramped even though he was outside.But Dazai ignored this.He didn't care who looked at Chuuya because he doesn't care about Chuuya.

By the time the men in black suits and ties had loaded their suitcases for two weeks into the jet Hirotsu called everyone inside and they took off.Chuuya had a window seat and Dazai sat behind him poking him at random times to annoy him.
"Cut it out,bastard!"Chuuya yelled standing up and looking at his smug-faced partner.
"Make me then Chuuya~"Dazai teased winking at him.

Chuuya pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and was about to punch him,when Hirotsu walked in."Alright everyone we-"
Hirotsu stopped seeing the duo that is Double Black going at each other's throats again.He sighed tiresomely and pinched the bridge of his nose.
He didn't understand at all how these two could work together."Ok you two,if you're gonna fight,fight when we get to France please."He sighed the 'please' at the end.
"Sorry Hirotsu,"Chuuya said irritated and released his partner."Leave me alone,idiot."He said walking away from Dazai and sitting two seats away from Tachihara.

Then Dazai felt it again.He didn't like this feeling.It was as if someone was stabbing him in the gut almost.It only got worse when the crimson haired boy engaged in a conversation with his Dazais ginger partner.Chuuya laughed at something he said and Dazai crossed his arms and slouched in his seat.
'What was so funny?'He thought playing with his tie.
'Whatever it's not like I care.'He thought again.Pulling out his book with many ways to commit suicide.He began reading through the pages with his gaze occasionally shifting to Chuuya and Tachihara talking about whatever they want.He ignored them as much as he could until the jet landed.
He wanted to annoy the living hell out of Chuuya.It was one of the best parts of his day honestly.The gingers reactions were priceless even if Dazai got punched in the end.

When they got off the jet with their bags they got in a car to the hotel they'd be staying at.Chuuya and Dazais room was all the way on the opposite side of the hall from the Black Lizard but neither one of the teams cared.They were both tuckered out and felt as if they could pass out any minute.

When Dazai and Chuuya got in their room Chuuya fell on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately.Dazai walked out onto the balcony with glass French doors and leaned against the wall with a cigarette in between his fingers while the events of the day replayed in his mind.
Specifically watching Tachihara and Chuuya having a pleasant time during their conversation.

It dawned on Dazai that the crimson haired man had some sort of stupid and unwanted attraction(is what he told himself)to his partner.Dazai didn't care what feelings he was feeling.Only that he didn't want Tachihara around his chibi.
'Im going to have to do something about that bandage-nose idiot.'
Dazai thought.He put his cigarette out as a cool night breeze ran through his hair and he stood there a while glancing inside at his partner occasionally.
"He's mine."

[Word count:1423]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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