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Samaira : Mayank I am shifting to USA

Whereas Mayank who was dreaming about his date with Meghna said..

Mayank:  But why???

Samaira: I don't Know..I just don't wanna live with you guys

Mayank : Oh I understand you are jealous because i am going on a date with Meghna ,cause no one is gonna date you because you are a tomboy

Samaira: No it's not you are Very bad Mayank...I hate you

Saying this Samaira left from their
Bikram : Samaria wait!!!! Is it true
Interrupted by Mayank

Mayank :  Leave her Bikram its her usual drama ....she is doing this just to get our attention ..
(In mind : is she really leaving...?)

Bikram:  But her eyes doesn't tell so
Mayank: okay okay leave if she is really going then its good for us we will get rid of her constant blabbering..
And moreover i don't wanna spoil my mood  for tomorrow's date with meghna thinking of her

At night
Mayank was thinking if she is really going...
maynak in mind why i am thinking of her so much if she goes its good for me only .........

The next morning Mayank was sleeping suddenly his phone rang, its from Bikram

Bikram in call : Mayank where are you Samaira is seriously leaving India she is in the airport don't you wanna meet her once

Mayank:  whatttt!!! She is really going to USA but whyy Wait there i am coming ..when is her flight
Bikram :10 am
Mayank: shit its 9 : 25 already...wait there i am coming
Call ends..

Mayank in mind:  Why i am feeling like i am gonna lose my whole universe.... i don't wanna lose my Samaira ....wait ... what did i said "My samaira " am i ......

Mayank keeps on getting flashbacks of the time he have spent with Samaira
Her care for him , whenever he is upset she would cheer him,  when everyone leaves him she is the only one  who accompanied him , she is his best friend..

Mayank closed his eyes and said
Yesss yesss it's LOVE , i can't imagine my life without samaira.....I can't let you go to USA....i am coming My Samaira...

But is it too late ???.....had Samaira left him forever or it's just a beginning of their new life ...

So readers what do thik can Mayank stop Samaira from going to USA or he will lose her forever....

How is the plot?? Should i execute with further parts or delete the story whats your opinion pls tell me in the comments section

It's just my imagining don't compare it with real characters..


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