The Watch

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Idling the car, she slipped into the parking spot three houses away. This was most nights to be honest. The silence of the darkness washed over the street, save for an odd bird hoot in the distance. Resting her head on the headrest for a moment. This was necessary, annoying but necessary. The house was dark as it always was at this time. He would make his way home.jn an hour then his lights would be off another hour later.

The routine he stuck to made it a lot easier for her to keep tabs on him, though sometimes she wondered if he ever noticed he was being watched. Never in the year she had known him did he give off the impression that he was acutely aware of his surroundings but things had changed. She had. So he had to have as well. 

Deciding she had time she let her eyes close as took in the sounds of night, careful not to fall asleep. Just as she let out a relaxing breath her backdoor opened and the smell of betrayal filled the car. Reaching for her knife she turned in the chair to be met with an arm carrying the same force blocking her attack.

'Relax Red, it's just me,' he said moving his hands and holding them in the air.

Her eyes flashed and she brought her weapon down on his thigh.

A string of curses filled the car, 'what the hell woman, hands up means surrender,' pulling the knife out and dropping it to the floor.

'How did you find me?'

'Please, I think we both know no one hides. Not from you or me.'

'I should have shot you in the head three years ago.'

He laughed. 'Really. You wound me.' He manuvered himself to the front seat picking up her binoculars and looking straight at the house.

'Looks like your boyfriends home.'

That got her attention. Sure as he had said, two figures walked up the front gate.

'Doesn’t he usually drive home? Alone?,' he glances at Red.

She didn't respond.  Her eyes are trained on the female companion of the man she vowed to never let near her again
This, the surveillance was to make sure she would go out without a guilty conscience. The lady he was with stumbled, his arm snaking around her waist to steady her.

The lady let out a small laugh before circling her hands around his neck and pulling him to her. To his credit, he moved his head back and wiped his hand across her forehead.

'Seem to be pretty cozy to me,' her car mate spoke. Everything in her wanted to hold her gun between his eyes and pull the trigger.
'Just stating the obvious, if all this,' his eyes roaming around the car, 'was to get to him. I'm afraid you've been beaten to the punch.'

Tuning out his voice she looked back through the binoculars. His head was straight, facing in their direction. He kept his gaze a beat them pulled his female companion into the door.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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