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One Hour Later

Mom gives up pounding on my bedroom door or asking if I'm all right. The first tears I shed over a guy finally dry up. I pull out my phone:

Dalia: Tara, U won't believe what happened. Tara: Details.

I put my phone on dictate mode and start talking into it. There is way too much to type.

Dalia: He picked me up after the doctors appointment and we went to Tim Hortons. We stayed in his car. He asked me how it went. I told him that my skating career might be over, I will have to wait and see. The doctor said I had a torn hamstring. Anyway, I was upset and he was really nice to me.

He told me that he broke up with Harper. He kissed me. It was amazing. He said he wanted to be the first guy to ever kiss me. I reminded him of my psycho mom and he said he was willing to take his chances. It was so hot. Then his phone chirped. He said that Harper was watching us in the parking lot. He floored it out of there. I said that he should go back and talk to her and he said no way. Then I pretended to text her on his phone and he went ballistic on me. He told me to give him back his fucking phone. I told him to drive me home. I handed him his phone and all I had typed into it was 'Tricked You!' as a joke. He didn't realize that I hadn't texted her until I was already in the house. He's called five times I blocked his number now.

Tara: What an asshole! U totally shouldn't have played that trick on him though. What do U care how he treats Harper? He's in 2 U!

Dalia: Bcause I could B next 2B treated like her. I'm so done with him B4 we even started.

Tara: I think U R overreacting. U don't know their situation.

Dalia: He cut all his hair off just Bcause he know's Harper hates it that way.

Tara: Ew, how did it look?

Dalia.• Not as good, but he's still hot.

Tara.• He must still have feelings 4 her, albeit -ve I's 2 do something like that.

Dalia: U know!

Tara.• Totally! We have 2 go shopping 4 the Halloween dance.

Dalia: Ok, Come over 4 dinner and then we'll go after.

Tara: Can't, mom wants me 2 eat here tonight. Will pick U up after dinner.

Dalia: Ok TTYL Tara: TTYL

I use the excuse that I want to rest my leg before shopping with Tara for a reason to eat in my room. She picks me up shortly after seven and we head to the mall.

Tara and I check out several stores before settling on overpriced Disney costumes from the movie Frozen. She being the best BFF she is, doesn't dare mention Adam's name the entire time we are out. She even manages to make me laugh asking me when am I going to meet Ryan while holding a fairy costume. She is righteously firing out subliminal messages.

I know what I should do, I have to push Adam out of my head and focus on healing and making this alleged partnership with Ryan work.


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