Chapter 2: Adventures and Paths Intertwined

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Author~chan: The long waited chapter two is now up :3 Happy reading... <3

As she redirected the conversation, Fey inquired about the young boy's name, lingering in suspense as he prepared to reveal it. And his name was...

"My name's Teucer!" the young boy exclaimed.

"I am Fey, nice to meet cha!" Fey exchanged the greeting as she patted Teucer's head.

As Fey look upon the skies turning dark, she turned and spoke to Teucer, "It's getting late... How about getting dinner and heading back to the inn and rest up for tomorrow?" Fey suggested in a soft tone. Teucer nodded and followed Fey. Fey and Teucer sat at a table inside Xinyue Kiosk, a renowned restaurant known for its luxurious dining experience. The flickering candlelight danced across their faces as they indulged in a sumptuous feast. Plates filled with Fullmoon Egg, Stir-Fried Fish Noodles, and Jueyun Chili Chicken adorned the table before them. Fey watched as Teucer's eyes widened with excitement, eager to taste the culinary delights that Liyue had to offer. As they savoured each mouthful, Fey soon realized that Teucer struggled with the spiciness of the Jueyun Chili Chicken. His face turned bright red as he reached for a glass of water, desperately trying to quell the fire within his mouth. Fey chuckled softly, realizing that Teucer's taste buds were not yet accustomed to the fiery flavours that Liyue cuisine had to offer. After a satisfying meal, they made their way back to Baiju Guesthouse. 

The night had cast a gentle spell over Liyue, and the streets were adorned with the soft glow of lanterns. With a sense of peacefulness settling in, they entered their room, ready to prepare for a peaceful night's sleep. Fey and Teucer stood before the mirror, each adjusting their attire and brushing away any lingering fatigue. Fey's eyes met Teucer's reflection, and she smiled warmly, a silent reassurance passing between them. The bond forged during their encounter had grown stronger, and a sense of protectiveness welled within Fey's heart. As they climbed into the plush bedding, Fey took a moment to settle beside Teucer, their presence close yet comforting. She began to read a bedtime story, her voice soothing and gentle, guiding Teucer into a world of imagination and dreams. When Fey reached the conclusion of the story, she watched as Teucer's eyelids grew heavy, his breathing steady and calm. With a tender expression, she caressed his hair, a gesture of affection and reassurance. 

Fey, too, succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep, finding relief in the presence of the young boy beside her. As the moon weakened, casting a soft glow upon their peaceful faces, Teucer dreamt of Mr Cyclops, his older brother, and his family. Meanwhile, Fey's dreams took a darker turn. In the depths of her slumber, she was thrust back into the heart-wrenching scene of her mother's demise. Helplessly, she watched as her mother was slaughtered, the suffocating sense of powerlessness tormenting her as she witnessed her mother's life force drain away before her eyes. The nightmare replayed with unrelenting intensity, leaving Fey gasping for air as she awoke at daybreak. Luckily, Fey managed to awaken without disturbing Teucer from his slumber. She quietly got out of bed and changed into her normal attire, the vivid memories of her dream still haunting her. Teucer, with messy bed hair, rubbed his eyes as he was still half asleep. Fey chuckled softly and approached Teucer to help him wake up and change. Taking care of Teucer brought a sense of calm and helped Fey subside the lingering effects of her nightmare. Before heading out, Fey put on her mask, sparking Teucer's curiosity.

"Why are you wearing a mask? Sister Fey didn't wear one yesterday," Teucer asked eagerly.

Fey chuckled, patting Teucer's head affectionately. "It's because I'm quite famous!" she replied in an amused tone.

After they finished getting ready, Fey and Teucer descended the stairs and made their way to the front counter. Fey checked out of their room, and as they left the establishment, Teucer couldn't help but contemplate their departure.

"Are you not staying here anymore?" Teucer asked Fey, a tinge of concern in his voice.

"Nope, I'm planning to visit some relatives in Qingce Village!" Fey responded; her tone filled with affection.

"Where's that?" Teucer inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"It's somewhere far away. Don't worry, I'm going after you find your brother and go home safely, of course!" Fey reassured Teucer, her voice comforting.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast and head to the Adventurers Guild!" Fey swiftly changed the topic, redirecting Teucer's attention.

Teucer nodded, and together they navigated the bustling streets of Liyue Harbor, making their way to Su Er'niang's vendor for breakfast and Wanmin Restaurant to restock some ingredients. Fey and Teucer indulged in a meal of Mora Meat, their interaction displaying the affectionate bond between a caring sister and her little brother. After finishing their meal, they headed toward the Adventurers Guild, where Katheryne, the receptionist, greeted them.

"I've completed yesterday's missions," Fey informed Katheryne, handing over the evidence of completion.

"Thank you for completing yesterday's commissions. Here is your reward," Katheryne responded in her professional tone.

"I would like to request today's missions and any missing lost child notices," Fey requested calmly.

"Certainly! However, there have been no notices about a lost child. Would you like to issue one?" Katheryne replied, handing Fey the new commissions to complete. Fey nodded, accepting the commissions, and handed a detailed report to Katheryne for examination.

"Thank you. I will notify you if something arises," Katheryne assured Fey after examining the report.

Fey and Teucer left the Adventurers Guild and headed toward the bulletin board near the teleporter. As they walked, Teucer marvelled at how Fey seamlessly switched from a soft and affectionate personality to a professional and composed demeanour. Lost in her thoughts, Fey sighed, contemplating the absence of any missing child notices. She quickly dismissed her worries when Teucer spoke up.

"Anything wrong, Sister Fey?" Teucer asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nothing's wrong!" Fey replied hastily, trying not to let Teucer feel let down.

"Would you like to go on an adventure while we wait?" Fey quickly changed the topic, wanting to distract Teucer from her concerns.

"Let's go!" Teucer's eyes lit up with excitement at Fey's suggestion.

"Haha... Let's go to the teleporter! If you're scared, you can hold Sister Fey's hand," Fey playfully offered. Teucer eagerly nodded and grabbed Fey's hand, surprising her and causing her to chuckle.

"Are you ready?" Fey asked, considering Teucer's well-being.

"Yup!" Teucer replied ecstatically.

Fey activated the teleporter, and they found themselves in Guili Plains near Luhua Pool, their first mission requiring them to eliminate the surrounding enemies. As they landed, unaware of the commotion arising in Liyue, someone had heard the news of his missing brother, whom he had seen off the day before.

Author~chan: I wOndEr wHo the brOthEr is hehe... :3 Read the next part to find out teehee~

Date: 22/10/23

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