Chapter 2

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I was exhausted so I lay down on a tree to sleep for the rest of the night. After yesterday's encounter with Fujitora I was furious. I was hurt. I was disappointed with my self. I could not defend my ship, my friends. I had to run away. I was helpless, again. I had promised not to run away again, not to lose again. And here I was braking that promise to help my friends and crewmates.

The other side inside me was screaming that this was the best decision. It was the only way I could help my ship and friends. The admiral was strong and I just had to get stronger.

I smiled at the thought of not giving up. That was more like me. My eye cought a glims of Nami walking towards me and sitting next to the coast of the beach, her feet almost touching the wet sand. Her orange locks were swaying in the air and I could smell the orange scent coming off of those locks. They were bright in the light of the moon and beautiful. Her slim figure was exotic, like a water fairy making a stop to relax from flying. Hel long slim legs were playing in the sand along with her hands. She shivered. I was watching her relaxing in the moonlight. I smiled.

She suddenly turned around and starred at me. I was quick to cover my eyes with my hat so that she wouldn't know I was looking. I don't know why I did that but it felt right. She was starring for some time and she didn't know I was able to look at her through the straws of my hat. She was a crewmate like all the others but she was undeniably and objectively beautiful. Robin was too, but in a mature way like a gourmet meat while Nami was like a fresh baked homecooked stake.

She was already starring for quite some time till she decided to get up. Her bikini bottoms were covered in sand along with her butt. She dust it off in an attemt to clean herself from the dirt and turned around. She sat next to me and my thoughts were once again occupied by yesterday's tragedy. She was concerned and I felt her kind words bring me back to life. It was already sunrise, my favorite time of the day, when I can think about Ace since it reminds me of him. Despite not sleeping at all last night, the sunrises always filled me with energy.

'I hope you are watching me Ace. Wherever you are. I miss you'

A weight was added on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw that Nami had dozed off. She was lightly snoring with her head tilted and resting on my shoulder.

After a couple of minutes I thought she might be uncomfortable like that. I put my arm behind her knees and the other on on her back and carried her princess-style to a mattress we brought from sunny under a tree's shade on the beach. I carefully placed her on the comfy mattress and after I covered her with a light blanket that reached her shoulders, I headed to the forest to do some training.

I was panting heavily from the training. Four hours had passed of hard labor and I decided to quit for the day. Sanji had stopped his training an hour ago and Zoro was planning on staying for three more hours. I dried my sweat with a towel and drunk half a liter of water before heading back since I was hungry and breakfast would be served any time now.

I followed the smell of freshly chopped fruits like coconuts, toasted bread and hard boiled eggs and ended up on Sunny and inside the Kitchen. One wall was broken but the rest of it was saved or fixed.

"Sanji, I'm hungry~!"

"Shut up! Food will be served in an hour. You stink go take a bath"

"But Franky's repairing the bathhouse on Sunny. I can't take a shower. "

"I don't know. Go dive in the sea"

"I'll drown"

"You are not getting any food stinking like that! You'll ruin the flavor for my beautiful Robin-chan and Nami-san!"


Sanji said nothing and continued chopping a banana for Nami's and Robin's smoothies. I went outside smelling my armpits on the way. I smelled bad but not too bad. I got off of Sunny and took a soap bar and a towel with me thinking I could bath were the waves hit the sand.

"What are you doing there, Luffy?" Robin asked calmly glancing over my shoulder curious as I try rubbing the soap bar in my palm with salty sea water.

"I'm taking a bath. Sanji said I smell bad and I get no food if I don't wash myself."

"You indeed have sweated. Why don't you go in the river? You can even take your clothes off and take a proper bath. I took one this morning."

"You are SO clever Robin. I'd never think about that!" She smiled and laughed while heading back on her deck chair with her book in one hand.

"Good luck, Captain"

'Good luck? With what?' I sat there confused. However, I quickly snapped out of it and headed for the river.

Reaching the coast I pulled my shorts down and threw my sandals at the side. I let the soap and the towel fall on the grass and sat down at the water's edge splashing water onto me until I heard a sharp intake of breath...

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