Depression Episode Part 2

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Mentions of suicide later in this chapter THIS IS THE WARNING

Andre woke up first

Fuck I can't remember anything, where am I?

He looked up and saw Y/N's sleeping face, he squeezed his eyes shut and squeezed his hands into fists

Oh fuck I said something, I know I said something

He felt a cold droplet hit his face, he opened his eyes to see Y/N crying in their sleep

"Oh shit Y/N," he sat up and lightly shook them awake, "Y/N!"

They slapped his hand away and rolled over

Well they aren't going to wake up from that... Breakfast! I'll make them breakfast!

He took a spare set of clothes out of the closet, put on an apron and a set of cooking gloves, and began making bacon pancakes and eggs

The sizzling of the pan woke Y/N up, wiping the drool off their face they made their way to the kitchen, they yawned, "Whatcha doing in my kitchen Andre? And why do you look like a housewife?"

"To cheer you up of course!" He handed Y/N a plate, "Eat whatever, I'm not hungry yet, I'm gonna borrow your shower ok? I feel gross from last night, can you tell me if I said anything weird?"

"I can't remember much either, I've been exhausted lately..."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe after I eat, it's been a few days-"

"Y/N! Days? Why haven't you been eating?"

"Because I feel gross all the time, I'm exhausted, I don't know why but I just- I have no interest in anything and I hate myself? I hurt everyone around me and I don't deserve to be where I am..."

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry you aren't my sweetheart, you're a sweetheart, you are worthy of everything you have, you worked hard for it all, you deserve to eat, to sleep, to be happy... And I will not rest until you believe that, okay?"

"Andre that's sweet but uhm, go talk that shower you smell like vomit BO,"

"Both? Or..."

"No the specific BO smell that comes out when you vomit, because you threw up a lot last night, and you are going to take out the trash at some point today, we're going to carpool to work, and then we'll deal with whatever bullshit they need us to"

"Of course Y/N, have any clothes that'll fit me?"

"Masculine closet is in the bathroom, feminine is in the bedroom, between is in the closet connected to the kitchen"

"Thanks darlin' I appreciate it" he feigned a southern accent

When Y/N heard the shower start they forced down their food and hurried to the bedroom

Operation depression cleanup is a go, my God it's been a week, all my Cognito assignments are done but my room is completely messed up I can't let him see all this

They scrambled picking up all the clothes and trash until they fainted

Andre came out of the bathroom in his work clothes, "Y/N! What the fuck happened," he lifted them up and laid them on the bed, "Wake up, come on..." he lightly slapped their face

Fuck this is gonna hurt

He fully slapped them across the face, "OW ANDRE WHAT THE FUCK"

"Oh thank Christ!" He wrapped his arms around them, "I was so worried, you were unconscious on the ground"

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