Chapter 15: Opila's Very Bad day

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(56 Days before Bring-A-Friend Day)

"This Is Dr Simon. Today, I am recapping the Events of the with Case 04 AKA Oplia bird."

We see Oplia waking up from her Nest.

"The Bird woke up in a Tired mode. She was very Bored and confused. I was watching her through the camera."

Oplia Sees the door open, with Mr Jackson and a guard behind him.

"Hello, Oplia. I have food for you.."

Mr Jackson walks over to her, the guard right Behind him.

"When Mr Jackson Gave the food To Case 04, She Didn't eat it. Usually, Oplia has no trouble eating. But, today was different."

Oplia Refused to eat, Avoiding Jackson.

"Oplia. eat!" Jackson yelled at her.

Oplia Tried to attack Mr Jackson, But the gaurd Shot her with a Dart.

"Oplia was shot near the Legs and passed out."

Simon went to a Clipboard to Wirte about the events.

The phone rang.

"Oh, Dr Peter! What are you saying? Banban is.... calm down, Tell me About it."

 Garden of Banban: My Way (CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now