Cartman In Love

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(A/N: Hello bitches, it's me. I am back after... *9 months since my last stories* Yeah, that's a pretty long time. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. It's because of school and all these stupid exams. But I'm back. Enjoy 🤪)

Cartman's pov~

He is all I want.

All I ever wanted.

Words can't describe how I feel about him. He's perfect, cunning, smart…

Even beautiful…

Everybody else gave up on me and went their separate ways. Kyle is the school's president and even , but not surprisingly of course, the president of the chess team. Typical Jew! If you ask him to name every single president that we've ever had in the US, he'd get them all right no problem. He's the biggest nerd in school walking around with a report card littered with A's. Stupid Jew.

Kenny went on to be a sex crazed, pot smoking retard who skips class and has to go into Alternative School. So I don't get to see him very often. But when I do, we don't even talk to each other. Mainly because we have nothing to say to each other anymore.

Then there is Stan.

He and I became the best of friends once 6th grade came around. That was about the time when Kenny and Kyle left the picture. Stan is the perfect person. Honestly there isn't anything wrong with that boy. Other than he's highly emotional. When his dog Sparky died, I sat there for an two hours holding him while he cried (which I had no problem with. I enjoyed holding him). The dog was so old anyways. I knew he was going to die of natural causes anyway.

Stan has always been artistic. He loves to draw and even play guitar. It's amazing cause he is a completely self taught guitarist and he plays like a professional. I love hearing his laugh too. And that smile makes me feel warm inside. I never ever thought that I would ever fall in love with him.

I started to fall in love with him in about 7th grade. He cried and came out to me telling me he's gay. I have always known he was gay anyways, so it wasn't a very big surprise to me. I came out to him in the 6th grade but I never cried. I was pissed. Ever since he told me he's gay, I looked at him differently.

He wasn't just a brunette with a very emotional attitude…he was much, much more than that. I started to notice the things I've never noticed about him before. Like the way twiddles his thumbs when he gets nervous or how he scrunches his nose when he gets angry. I also noticed the more…sexual…things about him as well. Like how long his legs are and how soft his porcelain skin is. And I wouldn't stop looking at his small but extremely cute butt. I stare at it every time he gets up during class or when he walks ahead of me in the halls. I keep slapping myself across the face mentally every time. But that isn't my favorite part about him.

It's his eyes that really draws me in.

One look into his bright blue eyes and you're in a trance or something. I can't pull away. His eyes remind me of the ocean. Big and blue. Endless even. It fits his face that is so full of expression it makes you want to smile. He even has a body that looks so small and fragile, one wrong touch and you're scared you might break him. That's why I want to be with him.

I'm terrified that he'll end up with some abusive asshole that'll beat him one day. I even get scared that he'll get…raped. He's the type that every pedophile wants. Small, weak, and innocent. I make sure that no one lays a bad hand on Stan. Even though we aren't a couple, I protect him no matter what. I care about him too much to ever let anything happen to him.

I was laying in bed while those million thoughts ran through my head. I've been thinking about Stan way too much. I keeping having to excuse myself from class to take care of Cartman junior in the bathroom. No details. It doesn't help when you're sitting through sex ed the entire 25 minutes with Stan sitting right next to you. I keep getting to carried away just staring at him.

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