de 1ér chaptere ( sorry just went to paris :-)

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Theresa POV
" Jay! " I call to the brown haired boy. He turns around and rolls his eyes, exasperated. " Come on, Theresa! We're going to be late! " I catch up to him, grab his wrist, and point to his watch. " Jay, its 2:20. We have 10 minutes and the class is right down the next hallway. We have plenty of time! Relax!" Jay shakes his head and smiles at me. We sit down on a bench next to a drink vending machine. " I can't wait for our first date tonight. " Jay says to me as he looks me in the eyes, tracing the outline of my jaw. " Me neither..." We lean in, all prepared to kiss, then I feel a strong yanking on the collar of my shirt, pulling me back from Jay. " Well what do we have here!?!?" I hear Atalanta behind me. " Looks like two lovebirds! " Archie pats Jay on the shoulder. " We all knew it was going to happen eventually! " Herry chuckles. " Well finally! Some romance around here! " Neil dramatically yells.
I tell you what, I love my friends and I would travel from Tartarus and back for them, but sometimes......
" So when's the wedding? " Kayla-Rose says, " and may I be the flower girl?" I look at the newest member of our team. " We are just bf-gf guys! No one is getting married anytime soon!" I explain, mildly annoyed. I briefly read Jay's mind, " Keep your calm, keep your calm, don't yell. Oh, whatever!!!" " Guys please! We were having a moment here! Stop ruining everything! " Jay yells, red faced. Everyone was stunned silent. Jay scoffs, grabs his pack, and stomps around the corner into the hallway. I grab mine and run after Jay.
And then I hear a shrill bell ring as we walk into the class.
For the third time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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