But I love you... (Prolouge)

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I fell hard on my back, yelping and writhing in pain I looked up at my dad silently begging for them to stop. "Daddy, what did I do? I'll Never do it again I swear!" I put my hands up in a defensive posture. Suddenly, and without my knowing, I created sparks of heat from my palms. I heard a shout, and then a bone rattling crack. And then a sharp pain shooting from my face, I screamed. The world I once knew as welcoming and kind, faded into the dark void of anger and hatred.

I woke up a little later, my mother was sitting in the blue rocking chair next to my bed. When she saw me look at her, she scowled in disgust and started to get up. I quickly grabbed her sleeve, still dazed and unaware of what would happen. She whipped her arm out of my reach, simultaniously smaking me across the other cheek. "The hell are you doing Katsuki?" I held my face with a shakey hand; "I just wanted you to stay with me.." I withdrew my hand from my face. A bright red hand print clearly evident. "Yea well. To hell with that you good for nothing, useless peice of shit."

I whimpered folding my hands in my lap. "But..but I love you.."

~ . . . ~

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