About the National Lands

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The National Lands simply refer to a series of lands that are either taken or live in. It was formerly homed to Neanderthals, but modern humans came and competed with them. Luckily the land itself wasn't taken, but that was until pirates came and nearly wiped them out.

The Neanderthals are still around, but the pirates have taken over most of their land. Leaving these early humans only with land that is right behind a mountain range. Which separates them from the conquered land and the wastelands: one of the few other lands to not be taken.

This nation was soon named as the Captain Nation, due to pirates having conquered this land that belonged to neanderthals. There have been many attempts to take the land back from the pirates, but none were successful. 

But the neanderthals have plans of their own. While that's to take their land back, but weren't the only ones though. Many humanoids also suffer the same fate too, and are planning a comeback too.

As of now, they are whipping up plans to get rid of the Captain Nation and their allies too.

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