How did i end here? :(

73 5 1

10/17/2023 11:28 pm
Since he was freed from his kidnapping by the Federation, Quackity was having a hard time.

He couldn't remember anything, he didn't understand anything, and he didn't do anything.

Does he remember what the day was like before he came back? Pfft, no, or well... a little.

That day was the same routine as every day, waking up from that cold pool, although it was the most uncomfortable and sad place, it gave him a feeling of protection, although there was no one or nothing that would protect him from that place.
Cucurucho violently dragged him out of the pool, taking him to a room on the side to start his 'training'.

As he tried to remember what happened to him, his body tensed, leaving him with a bad taste in his mouth... he wanted to remember what had happened to him, what he suffered in the federation... what... what he suffered on that island.

After that he doesn't remember anything, he only remembers that hours later he was at the spawn with some members, they were surprised to see him.

They loved him enough... right? He currently knows that he was not the only one kidnapped, some members like Cellbit, Feelps, etc.
They were also, but why did no one go to save him?

At first he assumed it was because it was difficult.

Then I thought that maybe they were busy.

Later he thought that they missed him, not much like Feelps and Cellbjt, and that's why they delayed.


Now he knows, it was because no one wanted him. I was alone. and he will die alone.

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