Mixed Bag Of Emotions

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Jihye moved the Celebration Of Life to a park by the river as the requests by the media increased. There was also an increase in the number of individuals voicing a desire to attend, most were from other agencies and groups. When first planning, the question arose if the service should remain private or open to all.

The answer became clear when Min-Jun explained to Bang that Jimin had been officially listed as missing. There were on true witness of him drowning, and no body has been discovered.  Yes, a women reported seeing a person go under the water, but she was to far away to establish who the person was - even if was male or female.

Min-Jun had explained once an investigation was complete then, Jimin would be officially declared dead. Memorial services where for the dead. It was too soon for a memorial service.

This, is what drove Bang to follow up on leads that Jimin was still alive, no body, no witness. There were many reasons batted around, most were wildly unfathomable, why Jimin would disappear.  

Bang believed that Jimin wanted a new life, one where he could leave his past behind. He had read the letter Jimin wrote to him, it sounded to Bang that Jimin was looking for a new life, not to die.  That was why he came to Seoul, and became an idol for a new life. 

However, Jimin's past caught up to him here.  Pretending to dead, and establishing himself in another location would give him a new life he had sought.  Bang would not require him to return once he found him. He just wanted to make sure Jimin was not in dire straits. He had what he needed for this new life.

He loaded Jimin's bank account and the extra account with money for him. It had not yet been touched. It had been a long shot that Jimin would use it, he knew it would give his location away.  If Bang could only find him, then he could sleep.

He thought this whole celebration of life spectacle was too soon. Dr. Lee had damaged Jimin, Dr. Suh said that the MIR showed some swelling in the brain. What if the swelling had not gone down, like the doctor said it would. What if Jimin was out there, and had forgotten who he was? He could be sick, hurt, and all alone.  He kept imaging Jimin is alley, covered in newspapers to keep warm, and hungry. 

The celebration made it seem final, that everyone had given up on Jimin. Bang would not. He was regretful that he was never brave enough to tell Jimin of his desired to make Jimin his son. He was his son in his heart, but he wanted it to be official, on paper. He needed Jimin to be alive so they could legitimately become father and son. 

He should not have waited so long to ask him.  Bang's mother had encouraged him to do it sooner than later.  She had known for a long time that Jimin and Bang belonged together.

Bang only agreed to go this event because of Min-Jun. Superintendent Cho Min-Jun had contacted him with a plan to gain retribution on a person who had harmed Jimin, Mr. Juhee. Bang gladly agreed to assist, this man had harmed his Jimin far deeper than Bang had originally known.

It had pained him to personally invite that man to come to the celebration, but he trusted Min-Jun. He even paid for Mr. Juhee's train ticket to ensure he would attend. This was the only reason Bang was attending, to watch that man go down.

Bang was alone in his beliefs. He chose to drive unaccompanied to the celebration. To him this was not a celebration; it was a calamity.


As the five members got in the elevator dress in the black suits that Mrs. Kwan had prepared for them. Jungkook voiced what they all thought. "This feels weird, only the five of us."

Hobi patted his shoulder, "You saw the text, Jin's mom said they had already left for the service, I mean, celebration, he will be there." They were all still trying to correct themselves to say celebration rather than service. However, in his heart, and the members hearts, this was a memorial service.

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