Miss you

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Days later, Middle England, December 1013

Winter was here and in full force. Askeladd had marched us through half of Wales and we were now in Middle England. Thorfinn and I hadn't said a word to each other since that night. Any time I would try and approach him he would walk off in the other direction staring daggers at me. I had given up.
"You should put your hood up (Y/N) ." Canute said walking behind pushing my hood up over ears.
"Thanks." I said "I hate wearing it up I feel like I look stupid." I laughed quietly
"You don't look stupid at all." He said looking at me and then quickly away.
"Well thank you." I whispered. I looked over at Thorfinn who was staring blankly at me. I moved forward to talk to him but when I did he started to walk away. He wouldn't even ride in the carriage anymore.

"Askeladd." I said walking towards him instead, at least he would talk to me. Him and Ragnar were bickering as always.
"Yes?" He turned around to look at me
"Askeladd this conversation is not-" Ragnar started to say
"Yes it is. There is nothing more to talk about. I'm talking to my family now. Watch over the Prince he'll need it for my plan still stands." He said as he walked away from where Ragnar was. Ragnar walked away towards Canute throwing his hands in the air in frustration. Relief was written all over Askeladds face for getting him out of that conversation. Somehow he was withstanding the cold quite well. He didn't even have gloves on.
"Where are we staying tonight? You surely don't expect us to camp on the ground do you?"
"No we'd all freeze. Sleeping on the ground right now would be a death sentence."
"Then where?" I asked
"I'm working on it as we speak. Walk a little further and you'll see it."
I looked past the trees and saw it. There was a little village.
"Have you talked to the people who live there?" I asked. I knew 'yes' was not the answer to that question before I even asked it.
"(Y/N) I may be your uncle, but I am also a Viking."
"Yes and?" I looked at him, concern building in my eyes
"And raiding and pillaging villages is a tradition of us Vikings is it not?"
"You're going to kill them all?" I looked at him and my voice trembled.
"Yes." He sighed and took in a deep breath "For your safety and for Canutes. They're Christian so for as far as they believe their souls are going to a better place. They will never have to suffer through another winter again."
"That's cruel. You can't do tha-" I said almost screaming
"Hush now! Would you rather starve to death agonizingly or have a quick one? And then what if we do let them live? Once we leave, they run and alert the other villages of us? We'd all be dead. You included." He was stern
I looked at him and didn't say a word.
"People have to eat. If it wasn't us raiding them it would be Thorkell. Look at it that way. May that relieve you from your guilt."
It didn't.
"Also I don't want you down there when it happens. It's for your own good. Stay with Canute and that is an order. Got it?"
I nodded, too appalled to say a word.
"Good" he patted me on the shoulder.
I watched him walk a bit further and call Thorfinns name. He was probably ordering him to make sure Canute and I don't leave. He then walked off in the distance towards the village, sword in hand.
I walked over to where Ragnar was. My breath was shallow. He was holding his head in his hands sitting down. Canute sat behind him staring into the sky at a passing bird. I had heard screaming from below. The raid had started.
I stood up to walk toward the village, pulling my bow out from my back pack, when Thorfinn started to walk my way as well, stepping in front of me.
"I'm going down there you can try and stop me. I don't care what Askeladd instructed you to do." I walked further.
"You're not." I saw Thorfinn take his blade out from where he kept it.
"What? You're going to hurt me if I do? Nice to see you finally talking to me again." I looked at him. He had snow in his hair and his cheeks were red from the cold.
"No. But do you really think you can stop a 100 Vikings from being Vikings? Especially with just that bow and ten arrows? Think about it."
"There's children there Thorfinn."  My voice quivered thinking about it
"I know." He said quietly
"How can you live with that?" I asked looking at him but he was looking at the ground.
"Because I know that this is necessary to keep you safe."
"Why me?" He looked at me and his face softened.
"I thought you would've figured that out by now."
"What do you mean?"
"Askeladds right you are dense." He said walking off past me, towards the forest "Do what you want I don't care anymore I'm going to catch dinner."
"Wait I'm coming with you." I turned around to walk towards him. Walking past where Ragnar and Canute were. I'm sure they could hear us.
I took in a breath and looked over at Canute. He was twirling his hair. Either he was heartless or stupid to not care about what was happening below us.
"Because I miss you."
He looked at me for a moment his cheeks turning even more red before turning around.
"Then let's go shit face."

Weak (Canute x Femreader x Thorfinn)Where stories live. Discover now