Powers That Be

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I sighed as I get changed and then went to meet the guys outside. I opted for a sports bra and matching yoga pants. I don't frequent the gym as much as I should, but I am fairly athletic and in shape.
As soon as Vincent saw me he had to speak, "Are you trying to kill me?"

Why is Vincent so concerned with
what I'm wearing? He was like this
with my dress that I wore to Eric's
club but not when we were alone
with Eric and I was all wet. Does he not want others to see me? Is he embarrassed of me?
Does he not trust Sam? I feel that
pull to Sam as I do Vincent and am
starting to towards Eric as well.  I get that Vin and Sam are two different
beings but they were both human
once. At least I think Sam was,
maybe he was born a wolf. I should
find out, he's my mate after all.

I glare at Vincent, "It's what I wear to the gym. We all dress similarly."
Sam nods.
"Our kind doesn't need the
gym," Eric says.
Sam cracks his knuckles, "Ours doesn't either but it
does help to relieve tension
and aggression."
I say, "Well maybe I don't either but
I go."

As we are walking through the woods, Sam throws me a thick branch, "Break it."
I place a hand on each end and snap
it in two. I am surprised, "Huh, couldn't do that before."
Sam hums as if he suspected, "It's a start."
Just what does he expect of me? I guess I will find out.
He looks at Vincent, "How much do you weigh?"
Vincent answers, "225."
Sam nods, "Eva lay down. You're going to press Vincent. First leg press then a standard bench press. l'Il spot you, no worries."

I trust Sam. If he didn't think that I
could do it, he wouldn't ask. I get into position. The guys place
Vincent across my feet as I lay on my
back with my knees to my chest.
Sam asks, "What was your limit?"
I reply, "185 for leg press and 120 for my arms."
He grins, "Now push."
I do fairly effortlessly and return to the starting position.
He praises me, "Nice extension." It felt good, really good. "Now arms."
They position Vincent so that one of
my palms rests on his lower back
and the other between his
shoulders. The backs of my arms
rest on the ground beside me.
Sam grins again, "Now push."
I do a full extension and then back
and I repeat. Then I flip Vincent to a standing position.
Sam chuckles, "Nice form. Cocky finish but I'll allow it."
He grins as he offers me his hand. I
giggle as I get up and stretch a bit.
There's just this ease, "Well guess I got stronger."

Sam says, "We have a gym and obstacle course at the pack house. We
can test you fully once we are there."
Vincent adds, "She's very agile and fast. Your wolves won't stand a chance."
"How'd you test it?" he asks.
I tell him, "I walked across the surface of
a lake."
Vincent shrugs, "To be honest I was hoping she'd fall in."
I knew it! So I smacked him.
"Hey, stop doing that!" Vincent chides me.
I put my hands on my hips, "Stop being an ass."
Sam shakes his head, "Keep her entertained for a bit, I'll be back."

As Sam went off deeper into the woods, Eric, Vincent, and I chatted, "He's up to something."
Eric says, "Probably. He wants to see what you can do just like Vincent and I do."
"Would I be safe at the pack
house? I'm not a wolf, have
vampiric abilities, and I can
cast spells using only my
mind. I'm not human either it
seems," I have to know because I am conflicted.
Eric thinks for a second, "Well you should be able to
compel most werewolves.
The ones you cannot you can
at least confuse or slowdown
with your hypnosis. Plus Sam won't let anything happen to you."
"Does silver weaken them?" I ask because I am trying to formulate a few plans.
"No, it is a myth. Same as with vampires, it does nothing," Eric says.
"So I could distract with
hypnosis while conjuring
strong chains to bind them?" I ask.
They both said yes, but Vincent added, "Like I said, when you learn to
control your powers you'll be
I sigh, "This is still a bit much to
They both hugged me and told me that I was doing well as Sam returned.

In a very commanding tone Sam said, "Ok I'm ready. I'm going to blindfold you
and carry you somewhere and
then I'll give instructions once
we are there. Guys you stay here. I don't
want to risk you feeding her
Vincent nearly jokes, "Be careful wolfman, she could
cause the ground to swallow
you whole."
I laugh, "Really I doubt that."
Vincent looks straight at me, "I don't."

He's kidding, right? I can't be some
all-powerful goddess in disguise,
can I?

Sam blindfolds me and has me hop
on his back. I try my best Terminator impression, "I'll be back." He runs off into the woods.

———Sam's POV———

The other night my life turned
upside down. I smelled the most
wonderous scent I had ever smelled
when I got to the Gala. I looked
around to try and find her. I knew
that that smell must belong to my
When a wolf knows, he knows. But it
goes beyond that since I'm an
Alpha. My mate must not only be a
Luna but be blessed by the Moon
Goddess herself at least that's what
my Gran tells me. Most Alphas get a Luna as their mate. That Luna will have healer magic and be a bit of a Seer.

As Katie and Eva approached my
table with Vincent, my heart both
sped up and stopped. I looked
between the women and once my
gaze met Eva's it happened. I
imprinted. I saw her leading my pack
and helping to raise our pups.

But I felt Vincent on her. I dismissed
that he was her mate at first and
then it angered me when I saw that he was. I want her for myself, but I can't
have her that way. Can I settle for
part of her soul while giving her all
of mine? Should I just reject her and
my only chance at having a fated
mate in this lifetime?

The next few hours will reveal
everything or at least that is my
hope. Once we are alone in nature, I will see if I still imprint. If I do, then I might have to get Vincent and Eric to denounce her.

——End POV—-

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