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A shy and naive girl runs into her brother's boss while running away from her past, How could there be more to that?

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A shy and naive girl runs into her brother's boss while running away from her past, How could there be more to that?


This story's lead male character is very hard to bear with but I hope you do because it's worth the wait, he is rude and has a very hard time expressing emotions, he is extremely dominant and intimidating, he can often come across as an asshole though it is not his intention sometimes, he also has had a very traumatic past and is a ruthless assassin,

The female character is extremely naive and innocent due to her past, she doesn't know the meanings of many words, she doesn't know how to do certain "basic" tasks that the average person would know, she's also extremely shy and clings onto her brother for support, the main character has anxiety and unfortunately and eating disorder, she also has post-traumatic stress disorder and dependant personality disorder, the traits she develops due to these issues will be prevalent throughout the story,


I don't know why I wrote this lolz I was in math class and horny

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