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               Arriving home from school, I dropped my bag on the floor and dumped myself on my bed. It had been a long day; with packed classes and intensive lectures, and list full of academic requirements. When will this end? How far have I come? Will this journey have a happy ending? Or is this just pure suffering... If only I have been born earlier, smarter, or braver... Maybe I would have been already successful. I could have been already sailing across the world and spending money on luxurious and expensive things in life.

What would my 35 years old self look like? Is he handsome? Muscular? Smart? Sighing, I pushed myself to stand, to look at the broken mirror stuck to the mite-eaten lumber wall. Goosebumps begin to rise on my skin as I stare on the mirror. A shriek escaped from my lips as I look closely at the reflection. The man on the mirror had the same exact expression I had. My heart raced as I try to move around, and he followed me. "W-Who...?" I tried to speak but instead, he smiled.

The man, in his thirties grins with eyes locking on me. "I am you." He points himself and then me. I frowned at this bizarre circumstance. I am sure this is a dream! I pinched my face, and felt the pain, which told me that this was real... "I'm the 35 years old Vincent." He spoke again. I shook my head in shock. I searched for words to tell him, to greet him, or maybe ask him questions but my tongue was tied. He wore a suit, and he looked neat. His hair is well combed and pushed back, and it shimmers. His face the absence of blemishes.

"I established real estates, and I live in Switzerland now." I could tell he was proud because of the big grin on his face, and sparkling eyes. "Come," when I did not say anything. I blinked, and then I am now in a different place. The rural scape I was used to seeing turned into an urban setting. People (and bikes) were everywhere, some spoke with languages I don't understand, German and Swiss, was it? And they dressed differently from where I used to be. Of course, there were tall buildings... With Roman and Greek architecture, of course, I could faintly smell the cheese and chocolate aroma in the air. I closed my eyes and let my senses rule my soul. "Do you want to see our house?" the inside of my mind spoke. I opened my eyes, and was greeted with a view of what seemed like a typical landscape painting.

"The Alps!" I finally spoke. The familiar arrow head shape of an icy mountain, and the clear water lake by the foot of the mountain. Tears began forming in my eyes. This is just a dream, right? I could tell 'cuz how come I am standing in front of this heavenly view? I looked behind me and saw a modern built house. I wipe my tears upon my cheeks. I turned to walk towards the house. I'm filthy rich! I could tell because of its materials, wall curtain glass, and fine wood textures! My excitement arose as I held the doorknob of the house and readied myself to look at what was inside.

As soon as I turned the knob, I was back at my old house. I stared at the mirror for a few minutes, and realized... the dream was over. "Hello?" I leaned close to the mirror. "Are you there? Hey!" I yelled, looking... yearning for something to come. Irritation crept up to me and turned into anger. As I realized that I was back to my dreadful reality. I opened my eyes, and found myself lying on my back, and glaring at the underside of the roof above me because it lacked the ceiling, greeted me. I sighed, feeling the heaviness in my chest.

What can I do to be like my 35-year-old self? Certainly, that dream is far beyond my reach. But I don't want it to stay as a dream. The life that I have now may not be as pleasing and peaceful like I had in that dream, but this life is only temporary. 20 years from now... I will be a business owner, and live in Switzerland. With perseverance, faith, and determination I believe I can, and I will, because the journey is not yet done.

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