the funeral

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After the girls got out of the hospital they had to go to Alison's funeral.
"Alison I'm so sorry I shouldnt of have let her go there. She would have been safe" Jason said as he hugged her at the church doors
"No, its not your fault. She saved my life." Alison said with tears in her eyes
Aria,Hanna,Emily,Spencer walked up the steps of the church.
Emily ran up to Alison and have her a long passionate kiss.
"Okay girls, We have to go inside before the funeral starts" Jason said as he smile at the love that Alison and Emily hold between them.
"Oh yea" Alison said as she grabbed Emily's hand and walked inside.
It was Alisons turn to speak.
"Goodmorning everyone. What can I say about her well My mother taught me right from wrong. I loved my momma. She made the women I am today. She saved my life even if that meant giving up hers. I know she is smiling from heaven right now. Mom I love you." Alison said as she started to cry.
Jason helped her down the steps to her seat.
Emily held Alison for the rest of the funeral.
When it was time to view the body, the girls waited till everyone was gone bto view the body.
As they went up to the body they realized that someone put a note in her flowers.
Alison reached for the note and it said
" oh poor momma D. Y'all. Thought you got rid of me. Nope I'm still out there just waiting to strike. Tell your big brother he next.
" Jason is next. Does that mean -A is killing off my family 1 by 1?" Alison said as she fell to the floor.
"Someone help her!" Emily screamed
Jason camed running into the church.
"What's going on." Jason said as he saw Alison on the floor
"She fainted. Your next Jason" Emily said as she started to look down
"I'm next, what does that mean!" Jason said confused
Aria handed him the note
"Omg -A is gonna kill me! We should tell the police, NOW!" Jason said as he got up to go to the police station
"NO!!" All the girls screamed at Jason.
Alison regained consciousness when Jason was talking.
"If you go to the police. Your sure to die" Hanna said
"Yea" All the girls agreed.
"Me and Emily have to be somewhere so, I'll be home later" Alison smiled as she pulled Emily out of the church before Emily could say anything.
"Where are you going?" Emily said as she got Into the car
"You'll see." Alison said with a huge grin on their face.

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