Chapter 5- Sources

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Chapter 5- Sources

It wasn’t until 4pm the next day that Ari finally dragged herself out of bed. Her body clock had almost completely become in sync with Ragon’s after a mere week and a half of living with him. Once she had showered and dressed, she tiptoed out of her bedroom peering idly around the bend in the hallway. After a few minutes of searching the house, and neither hearing nor seeing anything, Ari was satisfied that she was the only one awake yet and set about doing the ordinary day to day chores that might have occupied her time when she was living by herself. It was at least 2 hours later that Ragon joined her in the kitchen. She had already done the last weeks’ worth of washing and was now cooking some eggs and bacon in a large frying pan on the stove.

“Good evening,” Ragon said, greeting her with a large smile on his face.

Ari couldn’t help but grin back. It was unbelievable how her relationship with Ragon had grown, despite the fact that her world had been turned upside down. One minute she had been studying to become a vet, and the next had discovered that vampires existed and she was living with one. This thought turned her grin into an even broader smile, as she realised for the first time she had someone who cared about her.  

“Are you hungry…“ Ari began to say as she hurriedly stirred her scrambled eggs, but stopped quickly. Do vampires even eat? She thought to herself.

“Food,err, doesn’t go down well,” he said simply, looking at the frying pan as if it were some sort of undesirable entity in the room.

“Right,” Ari said, beginning to serve up her dinner.

This wasn’t the first meal that she had cooked for herself since her rescue. Ragon had been filling the fridge at intervals.

He must have been shopping recently because he said, “Did I buy the right things?”

Ari looked back momentarily at the kitchen pantry. Now as she eyed the new bottles of condiments and the various tins of vegetables and what not, it was fairly obvious Ragon must have gone to the shops in the last day or so. It was clear from the haphazardly placed items, that Ragon was not at all use to grocery shopping. Ari thought that he must have grabbed the first things he saw and thrown them into the fridge. There was no oil or salt, and Ari had had to take most of the meats he’d bought, and freeze them as there were so many.

Ari reached for the lettuce that was sitting on a shelf next to a large jar of olives and stared at it for a moment, smelling the all too familiar waft of mouldy cut grass. Her eyebrows creased slightly as her nose twitched, trying to stop the rotting odour from ruining her appetite.   

“Is something wrong?” He asked, as Ari moved the over to the kitchen sink and placed the bagged lettuce in the bin.

Again a smile crept across her face as she realised that these arbitrary mistakes were relatively innocent for someone who had not eaten in over a hundred years.

“Yeah, this is great,” she replied, half lying. “But, I was wondering; do you think I could come with you next time you go to the shops?” Ragon looked at her curiously, and Ari thought that perhaps she had offended him and quickly added, “It’s just, I’m used to buying my own groceries and there are some things that I need.”

She guessed by the confused look on his face that he had no idea what she was talking about, but he said, “I will get you anything you want.”

Ari blushed, looking down at her feet as she hurried to think how to phrase her sentence, but then shook her head resigned. The absolute last thing that she wanted to ask Ragon for was tampons. She wondered if perhaps she could order them online and have them sent to her, but then she remembered that her credit cards, along with all her ID and money, had been in the bag that had been left at the University. Mercifully she was saved having to explain her need for female sanitary items however, when Sandra and Larissa walked into the room.

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