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"You can't trust that announcement," Du Sik stated the following morning. Ji Su and Jae Heon were going to head down to the lobby to see if the floor was indeed safe like Eun Hyuk claimed. "Will you really be okay?" Du Sik asked. 

"We can't keep sponging off you. We should do something." Ji Su said. 

"Thank you for the meals, and this." Jae Heon said, holding up the shield that Du Sik made for him. "May God bless you." 

"I'm Buddhist." Jae Heon seemed perplexed by that statement. 

Ji Su cracked a smile. "If the first floor is safe, we'll come back to get you." Ji Su said. 

Du Sik looked away. "Don't make a promise you can't keep." In Seong felt like there was more in that statement that Du Sik wanted to admit out loud. "I feel like I should say farewell now." Du Sik said as he waved to the pair. 

"Someone once said that even the thickest darkness disappears with the faintest light." Ji Su said. 

Du Sik looked her up and down once. "Is the person who said that still alive?" He asked.

Ji Su chuckled awkwardly. "I'm not sure." 

In Seong walked over to the couch, grabbing his bag that was sitting there. "I'll go with you guys." As much as In Seong didn't want to see the other neighbors, he had to prove to them he wasn't dead. He wanted to see the shop owner's face upon seeing him alive and well. 

"In Seong, you don't have to."

"No, I want to." In Seong swung the bag onto his shoulder. "Maybe I'll find my phone on the way down, I feel a few steps behind." In Seong shrugged. Inseong walked around the others, going to stand next to Jae Heon. 

"I-" In Seong looked back, seeing Hyun Soo grabbing his belongings as well. "Can I go with you?" He asked. 

Ji Su looked at him, thinking for a moment. "I guess four is better than three. Right?" She looked over at Jae Heon who agreed with her. Du Sik tried not to look upset that they were leaving instead of saying in the apartment where it was safe. He urged Inseong and Hyun Soo to go with them.

"Hyung-ah, you have to come back, okay?" Yeong Su said. 

Hyun Soo looked back at the kids. "Okay." He gave Yeong Su a smile. 

"Thank you for saving us." Su Yeong bowed. 

Jae Heon looked to Ji Su, "Shall we get going?" Inseong removed a double-sided trick knife that Du Sik insisted on making for him. He twisted it between his fingers and hand. A grin appeared on his face as he walked out after Ji Su. 

In Seong walked with Hyun Soo, making their way down the stairs. They weren't too worried about monsters – according to Hyun Soo the blind monster wasn't in the building anymore. And nor was the steroid monster either. Now, they didn't know if there were any other monsters in the building that they weren't aware of, but they could actually speak at a normal tone instead of being completely silent or whispering. 

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