chapter 1

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The streets of Manhattan were busier then ever on that autumn afternoon. The impatient honking of drivers filled the air; while the leaves covered sidewalks buzzed with people. Among all those adults trying to get home, two small figures stood out.


my eyes curiously and nervously scanned my surroundings, unsure on what to do and where to go. When the evening before i had decided to runaway from home, i knew that i just wanted to get away from my mother, but now I'm lost on where to stay. I looked at the one year old in my arms, my brother, Elias, who was wrapped in a blanket to keep him warm. I don't know if taking him with me was a good idea, but i didn't want to leave him behind, especially after the way our mother has changed. I'm unsure of what has gotten into her but basically ever since he was born her behavior took a drastic turn; she used to be really sweet and fun, even though she couldn't be present for most of the day,  given how she had to work double to compensate the absence of our father, she was still good to me. But lately she had started to act aggressively towards us, not really physically (she only slapped me once), but mostly crying and admitting how stupid she was to make the same mistake two times and how, when we're older, we are going to leave just like dad,all the while constantly blaming us for her state of mind. I tried to be the good kid at first, but its been stressful and confusing, it became so unbearable that i decided to take off.

Noticing to how i wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, i got out of my thoughts and took a look around, the sun was starting to set and i still had no idea on where to go. My arms were starting to ache from holding Elias so long and we needed to eat. I spotted a dead end alley slightly illuminated, i walked in and near a dumpster found a mattress that looked old but somewhat "clean". I decided that it would be good enough for now and sat, laying my  brother beside me and getting a hold of my teen titans backpack. While i was taking out the food i had picked (milk for elias, a pack of Doritos and two apples), i noticed a woman slowly approaching us and immediately stood up in front on my brother to defend him. 
she looked to be in her forties with black hair and green eyes, but there was something  unsettling about her face.
She spoke with a high pitched voice "what is a sweet girl like you doing here?", i didn't answer and just stared warily at her stretched out smile, then quickly peeked to the side to realize that no one was paying attention to us and that i was utterly alone. She sighed and said "you shouldn't be out here, soon it's gonna be dark and dangerous. But don't worry I can take care of both of you!" she finished with a cheerful voice.
"you don't look like someone good" i said unsure; her smile dropped and she now stared with a pointed expression, answering with a colder tone "I was trying to be nice you little brat, guess I'll just kill you two right now" .My heart beat went up as i watched in horror   her body quickly morphing in a weird winged creature with hands that had sharp claws and non human legs, i froze in place.  The monster began to laugh, amused by my reaction, "you young demigods are the best, so naive and defenseless, I can't wait to tear you to pieces", demigods? what was that? we were about to die? i was about to get my brother killed? Oh god what was happening. Elias cries shook me out of my trance, i had to try to do something, anything. The winged creature launched herself at me and i swinged my backpack at her ugly face with as much force as i could muster, obviously it didn't hurt her, just annoyed her. She let out a horrible snarl and sank her claws into my arms, it hurt and i let out a cry. I grabbed her other arm and tried to back her away from my brother even just a little bit,but she pushed back and easily threw me on the floor, crawling on top of me and holding me down by the neck slowly strangling me, while her other hand scratched my stomach. I let out strangled pained sounds and uselessly tried to kick my feet around, her breath and Elias's cries filled my ears and I thought about how stupid i was for believing i was strong enough to run away from home in the first place.

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