Emotional Dependency 🖇

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As the days went by, Lana found herself wanting to spend more and more time with Chris. She started calling her every day, asking if she wanted to come over and hang out. At first, Chris was thrilled. She couldn't believe that her favorite singer wanted to spend time with her.

One day, Lana was sitting in her backyard, staring at the clear blue sky and listening to the birds chirp. She picked up her phone and dialed Chris' number.

"Hey Chris, what are you doing today?" Lana asked, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"I'm actually heading out to do some shopping," Chris responded.

"Can I come with you?" Lana asked, her tone hopeful.

"Sure," Chris replied. "I'd love that."

As they walked around the mall, Lana couldn't stop looking at her. She felt like Chris was all she needed to feel happy. Then, as they were browsing clothes, Lana's phone beeped. It was her manager Ben. Lana grimaced. She wasn't in the mood for work.

"What's up?" Lana said, picking up the phone.

"Lana, I think I may have found something about Christina's lost family members," Ben said.

Lana's heart leapt. She had been trying to help Chris find out more about her family since they first met. "What did you find out?" Lana asked, excitement in her voice.

She felt like her heart was racing as Ben gave her the news. Chris's sister and mother were alive and had been searching for her. This was life-changing news, but it was also a difficult position for Lana to be in.

On one hand, Lana was excited for Chris to be reunited with her family, but, on the other hand, she couldn't bear the thought of losing her only friend. Every time they were together, Lana felt like she had found her soulmate.

As she was walking home, Lana was deep in thought. She didn't know what to do. She wanted Chris to know the truth, but she was scared of telling her. Lana's heart sank as she watched Chris's excitement turn to sadness. She knew that Chris deserved to be reunited with her family, but she couldn't bear to lose her. On a whim, Lana decided to lie...

"Chris, listen to me. Your family... they're gone. They've all passed away. I'm sorry," Lana said, her voice shaking.

Chris's face turned pale. "What do you mean? How did you find this out?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"I received a message from someone. They told me that your family passed away. I'm so sorry honey.." Lana said again.

Christina was inconsolable. She started sobbing, and Lana didn't know what to do. She hated lying to Chris, but she couldn't bear to lose her. It was a difficult decision, but at that moment, Lana felt like it was the only one she could make.

As they walked around the house, Lana tried to comfort her. Chris cried and cried, and Lana felt like a terrible person for lying. But what else could she do? She had to keep her bestie in L.A., and she was willing to do whatever it took.

"Lana, I can't believe they're gone. I never had the chance to meet them," Chris said, her voice filled with sadness.

"I know, Chris. It's such a tragedy. But remember, you have me. I'm here for you," Lana said, trying to be supportive.

Chris nodded, but Lana could tell that she was still hurting. As they parted ways that day, Lana felt like a weight had been lifted. But at the same time, she knew she had done something wrong.


Days passed, and Chris remained inconsolable. Every time Lana saw her, she was reminded of what she had done. Lying to Chris was one of the biggest mistakes of her life!

In the next chapters Lana's obsession and her emotional connection to Christina will grow more and more so what is gonna happen after that? Will she ever tell her the truth? How would Chris react if she finds out?

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